Three strains of autoimmune mice (MRL/lpr, NZB/NZW, and BXSB) were treated with repeated injections of rat monoclonal anti-T cell antibody (anti-Thy-1.2) in order to determine 1) the extent and duration of target cell depletion, 2) the effect of T cell depletion on the course of autoimmunity, and 3) the magnitude and consequences of the host immune response to the monoclonal antibody. Mice were treated with 6 mg of anti-Thy-1.2 every 2 wk beginning early in their disease. Treatment produced a substantial reduction in circulating T cells in all three strains. Therapy was beneficial in MRL/lpr mice. It reduced lymphadenopathy, lowered autoantibody concentrations, retarded renal disease, and prolonged life. In contrast, treatment did not improve autoimmunity in NZB/NZW mice, and it caused fatal anaphylaxis in BXSB mice. These findings demonstrate that monoclonal antilymphocyte antibodies can serve as specific probes to examine the cells that contribute to autoimmunity. Moreover, they illustrate the potential therapeutic value of monoclonal antilymphocyte antibodies when a pathogeneic cell subset can be identified. However, the same antibody may have a broad range of effects, from efficacy to severe toxicity, even in diseases that share clinical features.