Introduction. Outline of work planned, discussion of results and general conclusion. It was decided at a conference of the members of the Influenza Commission and the Research Laboratory workers that the problems to be investigated in New York City should be the following:
A study of the microörganisms of the upper respiratory tract in “health,” in “common colds” and in “influenza.” This investigation should include the diligent search for an epidemic microbal strain in influenza cases. Both filtrable and unfiltrable microbes were to be considered.
A continuation of our studies on hemoglobinophilic bacilli (group of the influenza bacilli) for the purpose of establishing the relationship of the influenza bacillus to both pandemic and sporadic cases of influenza.
A study of the permanence of type characteristics of influenza bacilli in persons after recovery from respiratory infections. It was considered of the utmost importance to establish as accurately as possible the stability of types.