The three accidental inoculations of influenza bacilli (eighteen hour cultures on chocolate agar), are of interest from the fact that infection developed in one case on the fourth day; possibly in one case on the fourteenth day and not at all in the third case. All three persons, however, became persistent carriers of the bacilli and in all cases the strains held their agglutination characteristics unchanged during the period of the tests. The details of three accidental inoculations are as follows:

Case I. It is difficult to judge whether this case was really one of infection from inoculation with the Pfeiffer bacillus or not because of the long period of incubation. Dr. H. accidentally inoculated her throat with the Lee culture, an autopsy strain from an epidemic case, while expelling a culture suspension from a syringe. The culture was an eighteen-hour growth on “chocolate blood” mixed with human serum.

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