Addendum. Since these experiments were completed, mice of the strains A.TA and A.TB have become available, and their capacity to respond to GAT has been determined. Both these strains are recombinants within the H-2 complex between A.CA (H-2f, responders to GAT) and A.TH (H-2th, nonresponders to GAT) and carry the H-2 haplotype KfSs-SlpthDth. Groups of four of five mice of the recombinant and parental strains were immunized with GAT as before except that the second injection was given on day 21 and the secondary bleeding taken on day 28. Means and standard errors of the per cent of antigen bound by 1:5 dilutions of the secondary plasma samples were determined as before with the following results: A.CA, 55 ± 15 (three animals); A.TH, 9 ± 9 (four animals); A.TA, 87 ± 3 (three animals); and A.TB, 79 ± 3 (four animals).

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