A/Jax mice were rendered immune to the syngeneic and transplantable methylcholanthrene-induced Sarcoma 1509a by the surgical removal of the tumor 7 days after implantation; subsequent injection of tumor cells resulted in their rejection within 15 days.

The i.v. transfer of 107 to 108 washed thymus or spleen cells of tumor-bearing animals (TBA) to immune animals significantly inhibited the rejection of the tumor; this suppressive effect was entirely abolished by the treatment of these lymphocytes with anti-θ serum or anti-thymocyte serum (ATS) and complement before adoptive transfer. On the other hand, an equal number of thymus or spleen cells of normal animals or of animals bearing an unrelated tumor had no suppressive effect.

Treatment of normal syngeneic animals with ATS after tumor cell inoculation or splenectomy of TBA resulted in the suppression of the tumor growth. The serum of TBA had no effect on tumor growth in immune syngeneic mice.

Together these results suggest that TBA possess immunosuppressor T cells regulating negatively their immune response to the tumor.


This study was supported by grants from The Medical Research Council of Canada (MA4795), National Cancer Institute of Canada, and The National Institutes of Health (CA13192), Bethesda, Md. The preliminary results of this study were presented at the 58th FASEB meetings, April 1974 (42).

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