The plasma membrane and intracellular granules of human polymorphonuclear neutrophils (PMN) contain large amounts of the glycolipid, lactosylceramide (LacCer; Gal beta 1----4Glc beta 1----1Cer). Despite its abundance, novel subcellular distribution, and lineage-restricted expression, nothing of PMN LacCer function is known. We examined the relationship between LacCer and PMN activation by assessing binding of anti-LacCer mAb (T5A7; anti-CDw17) to PMN during and after cell stimulation. CDw17 expression markedly decreased after treatment with PMA, dioctanoylglycerol, calcium ionophore, FMLP (with or without cytochalasin B or added Ca2+), TNF-alpha, or lymphotoxin. Depending on the stimulus, CDw17 declined to levels ranging from 70% (TNF, lymphotoxin) to less than 5% (phorbol ester, dioctanoylglycerol) of levels detected on untreated PMN. Loss of CDw17 from PMA-treated PMN followed dose- and temperature-dependent kinetics, with loss being detected after PMA treatment for 1 min. Membrane internalization explained PMA-induced loss of CDw17, as cell-associated 125I-anti-CDw17 became inaccessible to fluorescent anti-Ig after PMA treatment. CDw17 on PMN cytoplasts or retinoic acid-induced HL-60 cells was only slightly affected by stimulation, suggesting that down-regulation of the epitope is associated with granule exocytosis rather than superoxide production. Results with PMN from a patient with chronic granulomatous disease confirmed that normal superoxide production is not required for CDw17 loss induced by PMA or FMLP treatment. The data collectively demonstrate that reduced levels of cell-surface CDw17 are associated with granule exocytosis after PMN activation.