The expression and sequences of the mouse MHC class II genes, E alpha f and E alpha q, have been studied to determine the molecular basis for their defective expression. Previous work in our laboratory showed that H-2f and H-2q mice produce no detectable E alpha protein. Northern blot analysis confirms previous results showing normal amounts of E alpha f message and a 100-fold reduction in E alpha q mRNA. Despite that observation, the rates of transcription of both defective E alpha genes, measured by nuclear run-on transcription assays, are comparable to that of the normally expressed E alpha k gene. The nucleotide sequences of the E alpha f and E alpha q genes reveal mutations generating premature translation stop codons in both genes. A single base substitution has created the stop codon TGA at amino acid -2 in the E alpha f leader sequence. A nucleotide insertion at codon 64 in the second exon of the E alpha q gene results in a frame shift and a premature stop codon at amino acid residue 69 of a mature E alpha protein. The low steady state level of E alpha q mRNA may be correlated with the unusual size distribution of the RNA, possibly due to altered RNA processing.

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