MRL-lpr/lpr (lpr) mice develop a polyclonal accumulation of abnormal peripheral T lymphocytes, which bear surface alpha beta TCR, CD3, and the B220 isoform of CD45, but lack CD4, CD8, and CD2. These T cells have a constitutively phosphorylated CD3 zeta chain and manifest a defect in signal transduction that results in a lack of IL-2 production and proliferation. We investigated whether this signaling abnormality might contribute to their accumulation via a defect in T cell elimination in the periphery. T cell deletion occurs through a process of programmed cell death with DNA degradation, or apoptosis. Viable lymphocytes from lpr mice were found to undergo rapid programmed cell death in culture within 4 h without additional activation, which was not observed in lymphocytes from normal MRL-+/+ or C57BL/6-+/+ mice. Both nonmature B220+ and mature B220- T lymphocytes from lpr mice display this accelerated programmed cell death, indicating that this is a defect affecting all peripheral T lymphocytes in lpr mice. In vitro apoptosis of lpr T cells could be inhibited with PMA, a stimulator of protein kinase C. Thus, the massive accumulation of T lymphocytes in the lymphoid tissue of lpr mice is not due to a defect in their ability to undergo programmed cell death in vitro. The activation state of lpr T cells may contribute to their rapid degradation of DNA in vitro.

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