We dissected the requirements for disease induction of myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein (MOG)-induced experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis in MHC (RT1 in rat) congenic rats with overlapping MOG peptides. Immunodominance with regard to peptide-specific T cell responses was purely MHC class II dependent, varied between different MHC haplotypes, and was linked to encephalitogenicity only in RT1.Ba/Da rats. Peptides derived from the MOG sequence 91–114 were able to induce overt clinical signs of disease accompanied by demyelinated CNS lesions in the RT1.Ba/Da and RT1n haplotypes. Notably, there was no detectable T cell response against this encephalitogenic MOG sequence in the RT1n haplotype in peripheral lymphoid tissue. However, CNS-infiltrating lymphoid cells displayed high IFN-γ, TNF-α, and IL-4 mRNA expression suggesting a localization of peptide-specific reactivated T cells in this compartment. Despite the presence of MOG-specific T and B cell responses, no disease could be induced in resistant RT1l and RT1u haplotypes. Comparison of the number of different MOG peptides binding to MHC class II molecules from the different RT1 haplotypes suggested that susceptibility to MOG-experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis correlated with promiscuous peptide binding to RT1.B and RT1.D molecules. This may suggest possibilities for a broader repertoire of peptide-specific T cells to participate in disease induction. We demonstrate a powerful MHC class II regulation of autoaggression in which MHC class II peptide binding and peripheral T cell immunodominance fail to predict autoantigenic peptides relevant for an autoaggressive response. Instead, target organ responses may be decisive and should be further explored.

Experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE),4 a model for multiple sclerosis (MS), can be experimentally induced in several species (guinea pig, mouse, rat, marmoset) by immunization with components derived from the myelin sheath such as myelin basic protein (MBP), proteolipid protein, and myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein (MOG) (1). We have previously shown that active immunization of susceptible rat strains with the extracellular part of MOG leads to an ascending paralysis and a histopathology faithfully mimicking the hallmarks of MS in human CNS, i.e., demyelination and axonal loss (2, 3, 4). This is in contrast to MBP-induced EAE in rats, which is a monophasic disease without the histopathological hallmarks of MS (1). Moreover, we reported that both MHC genes as well as non-MHC genes have a substantial impact on susceptibility to MOG-induced EAE in rats and on the histopathology, whereby MHC class II effects are relative to and can be overcome by effects of non-MHC genes, other MHC genes like the MHC class I gene products, and environmental influences (2, 5).

MOG is a 218-aa-long glycoprotein exposed on the outer surface of the myelin sheath (6). The physiological function of MOG is still unknown (6). Interestingly, MOG composes only ∼0.05% of the myelin sheath and is thought to be CNS specific. Especially the extracellular Ig-like domain of MOG comprising aa 1–125 has gained most interest for neurobiologists and immunologists because of its availability for pathogenic Abs (6, 7). It is encoded within the MHC in humans, mice, and rats (8). There are reports in humans indicating that MOG-directed immunity could cause lesion development in MS (9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15). This is supported by findings in marmosets, rats, and mice (2, 3, 4, 16, 17, 18). The dissection of genetic and environmental factors leading to detrimental CNS-directed MOG-specific immune attack is a matter of broad interest. Successful manipulations of MOG-directed immunity in a therapeutic sense could potentially benefit MS patients (19). As a prerequisite for successful therapy, target structures for therapy need to be defined that potentially differ in affected individuals depending on genetic allelic variations.

In this study, we systematically investigated the molecular mechanisms for the MHC haplotype influence on MOG EAE using MHC congenic Lewis (LEW) rats and a set of 18 meric overlapping peptides covering the extracellular part of rat MOG (rMOG). We first focused on the rat MHC class II molecules and assessed how the affinity of the peptide-MHC interaction correlated to disease susceptibility. Subsequently, we mapped the immunodominant and cryptic MOG T cell determinants, assessed linear B cell determinants, and tested for encephalitogenicity of defined determinants in the respective MHC congenic LEW rat strains to elucidate the molecular requirements for induction of EAE.

Although the MHC of rat (RT1)l and RT1u haplotypes remained insensitive to MOG-peptide disease induction, in both MOG-EAE-susceptible RT1av1 and RT1n haplotypes disease could equally be induced by MOG-derived peptides. Typically, immunization with these peptides resulted in disease characterized by progressive paralysis and/or ataxia and a histopathology similar to recombinant rat MOG (rrMOG1–125) induced EAE. Surprisingly, in the LEW.1N rMOG91–108, the disease-inducing peptide, was not the immunodominant epitope as mapped by proliferation or IFN-γ enzyme-linked immunospot (ELISPOT) in peripheral lymphoid tissue. Neither could we demonstrate a T2 biased cytokine response in peripheral lymphoid tissue. Although the absolute need for MOG Abs in demyelination is still controversial (7, 20, 21), we could readily detect an Ab response to MOG91–108 in all MHC congenic LEW rat strains immunized with rrMOG, pointing to a role for this stretch as a T and B cell determinant involved in lesion development. Elution of infiltrating cells from the CNS revealed high mRNA expression for IFN-γ, TNF-α, and IL-4 in LEW.1N rats as assessed by quantitative real time PCR, suggesting a localization of peptide-specific reactivated T cells to this compartment.

We demonstrate a powerful MHC class II regulation of MOG autoaggression in which MHC class II peptide binding and peripheral T cell immunodominance fail to predict which autoantigenic peptides may be relevant for an autoaggressive response. Instead, target organ responses may be decisive and should be further explored, as well as the role of overlapping pathogenic T and B cell epitopes and MHC tetramer technology.

Female rats, 10–14 wk of age, were used in all experiments. All strains have been described (2, 22). ACI rats were originally obtained from Harlan Sprague-Dawley (Indianapolis, IN), PVG-RT1a rats from Harlan U.K. Limited (Blackthorn, U.K.), DA, LEW, LEW.1A, LEW.1AV1, and LEW.1W from the Zentralinstitut für Versuchstierzucht (Hannover, Germany), and LEW.1N, LEW.1AR1, LEW.1AR2, LEW.1WR1, and LEW.1WR2 from H. Hedrich (Medizinische Hochschule, Hannover, Germany). Subsequently, they were locally bred in filter boxes and routinely tested for specific pathogens. Breeding pairs were checked for homozygosity by examination of a microsatellite marker located within the RT1 region.

The synthetic peptides (Table I) were synthesized by (1H-benzotriazol-1-yl)-1,1,3,3-tetramethyluronium hexafluorophosphate strategy (Å. Engström, Department of Medical and Physiological Chemistry, University of Uppsala, Uppsala, Sweden). Peptides were purified by reversed-phase chromatography and, subsequently, analyzed by plasma desorption mass spectroscopy. The degree of purity of the used peptides was >99%. The reference peptides for the peptide binding assays were N-terminally biotinylated.

Table I.

18 meric 12-aa overlapping rMOG peptides


rrMOG, corresponding to the N-terminal sequence of rMOG (aa 1–125) was expressed in Escherichia coli and purified to homogeneity by chelate chromatography (2, 17). The purified protein in 6 M urea was then dialyzed against PBS to obtain a preparation that was stored at −20°C. rrMOG was used in all cell cultures at a concentration of 3 μg/ml. These Ag concentrations had given optimal stimulations in preceding titration experiments. Con A was purchased from Sigma (St. Louis, MO) and used in all cell cultures at a concentration of 1 μg/ml.

The rats were anesthetized by inhalation anesthesia with methoxyflurane (Metofane; Pitman-Moore, Mundelein, IL) and injected intradermally at the base of the tail with a total volume of 200 μl inoculum, containing 50 μg rrMOG in saline or, alternatively, 100 μg of peptide emulsified (1:1) with CFA (Sigma) containing 200 μg or, alternatively, 500 μg heat-inactivated Mycobacterium tuberculosis (strain H 37 RA; Difco, Detroit, MI).

Rats were scored for clinical signs of EAE and weighed daily up to 40 days postimmunization (p.i.) by two alternating investigators. The signs were scored as follows: grade 1, tail weakness or tail paralysis; grade 2, hind leg paraparesis or hemiparesis; grade 3, hind leg paralysis or hemiparalysis; grade 4, complete paralysis (tetraplegia), moribund state, or death.

After short anesthesia, rats were given in each nostril 60 μg of peptide in 60 μl of PBS on days 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, and 6 before induction of active EAE with rrMOG. Controls received PBS without peptide.

Histological evaluation was performed on paraformaldehyde-fixed, paraffin-embedded sections of brains and spinal cords (2, 3, 4). Paraffin sections were stained with hematoxylin and eosin, Luxol fast blue, and Bielschowsky silver impregnation to assess inflammation, demyelination, and axonal pathology, respectively. An inflammatory index was calculated from the number of perivascular inflammatory infiltrates of each rat on an average of 15 complete cross-sections of spinal cord. The degree of demyelination was evaluated for brain and spinal cord sections separately and semiquantitatively described and scored (2, 3, 4). In adjacent serial sections, immunohistochemistry was performed with Abs against the following targets: macrophages/activated microglia (ED1; Serotec, Oxford, U.K.), T cells (W3/13; Seralab, Sussex, U.K.), C9, rat Ig (biotinylated α-rat, Amersham, Little Chalfont, Buckinghamshire, U.K.), and glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP; Boehringer- Mannheim, Mannheim, Germany). Bound primary Ab was detected with a biotin-avidin technique. Control sections were incubated in the absence of primary Ab or with nonimmune rabbit serum. The procedures were described (2, 3, 4).

Draining inguinal LN were dissected out under deep anesthesia. LN were disrupted and MNC washed twice in DMEM (Life Technologies, Paisley, U.K.), resuspended in complete medium (CM) containing DMEM supplemented with 1% rat serum, 1% penicillin/streptomycin (Life Technologies), 1% glutamine (Life Technologies), and 50 μM 2-ME (Life Technologies) and flushed through a 70-μm plastic strainer (Falcon; BD Biosciences, Franklin Lakes, NJ). MNC from spleen were prepared in the same way as from LN with the difference that RBC were lysed with lysis buffer consisting of 0.15 M NH4Cl, 1 mM KHCO3, and 0.1 mM Na2 EDTA adjusted to pH 7.4.

MNC were cultured at a concentration of 2 × 106 cells/ml in either 96-well round-bottom microtiter plates (Nunc, Roskilde, Denmark) with 100 μl of cell suspension per well or 24-well flat-bottom plates (Falcon; BD Biosciences) with 1000 μl of cell suspension per well at 37°C in a humidified atmosphere containing 5% CO2.

All proliferative experiments were performed in triplicate in 96-well round-bottom microtiter plates. MNC (2 × 105/well) in 100 μl CM were cultured with or without the relevant Ag for 60 h and subsequently pulsed with 0.5 mCi [3H]TdR (Amersham Pharmacia Biotech, Uppsala, Sweden) per well for 12 h. DNA was collected on glass fiber filters (Skatron, Sterling, VA), and [3H]TdR incorporation was measured in a beta counter (Beckman Coulter, Fullerton, CA).

To enumerate T cells secreting IFN-γ after Ag exposure, an ELISPOT method was used (2, 23). Nitrocellulose-bottomed 96-well plates (MAHA; Millipore, Molsheim, France) were coated with the mouse mAb DB1 (a generous gift of Peter van der Meide, TNO Primate Center, Rijswijk, The Netherlands), which reacts with rat IFN-γ. Following washing with PBS, the plates were blocked with DMEM containing 5% FCS (Life Technologies). MNC (4 × 105 per well) in 200 μl CM were added to the plates and incubated for 48 h at 37°C in a humidified atmosphere containing 5% CO2. For each Ag, triplicate determinations were performed. Cells were then discarded, and plates were washed four times with PBS. Secreted and bound IFN-γ was visualized with biotinylated DB12 (also a generous gift of Peter van der Meide), avidin-biotin peroxidase (Vector Laboratories, Burlingame, CA), and subsequently by staining with carbazole (Sigma).

Rats were perfused with cold PBS, and brains and spinal cords were dissected out at day 12 p.i. Subsequently, brains and spinal cords were homogenized in 10 ml 50% Percoll/0.1% BSA/1% glucose (Amersham Pharmacia Biotech) containing 500 U DNase type I (Life Technologies) using a B pistil and holder. Ten milliliters of 50% Percoll were added to each sample after homogenization. A discontinuous Percoll gradient was obtained by adding 7 ml of 63% Percoll below and 20 ml of 30% Percoll above the sample. Samples were centrifuged for 40 min at 1000 × g at 4°C. Lymphocytes were collected from the 63/50% Percoll interface. The cells were subsequently washed twice in 15–25 ml PBS with centrifugation at 600 × g for 15 min at 4°C. One fraction of the cells was immediately used for RNA extraction and the other fraction was cultured for 6 h in DMEM/5% FCS/penicillin/streptomycin/glutamine in the presence of Ag.

Blood samples for Ab measurements were taken at days 12 and 40 p.i. ELISA plates (96-well; Nunc) were coated with 2.5 μg/ml (100 μl/well) rrMOG or 10 μg/ml of peptide (100 μl/well) overnight at 4°C. Plates were washed with PBS/0,05% Tween 20 and blocked for 1 h at room temperature. After washing, diluted serum samples were added and plates were incubated for 1 h at room temperature. Then, plates were washed and rabbit anti-rat antiserum (Nordic, Tilburg, The Netherlands) was added and incubated for 1 h at room temperature. Unbound Abs were removed by washing before the addition of peroxidase-conjugated goat anti-rabbit antiserum (Nordic) diluted in PBS/0.05% Tween 20 (1/10,000). After a 30-min incubation, plates were washed and bound Abs were detected by addition of 3,3′,5′5′-tetramethylbenzidine (TMB, Sigma). The enzymatic reaction was stopped with 1 M HCl after a 15-min incubation in the darkness, and the optical density was read at 450 nm.

ELISA kits for detection of IL-4 and IL-10 (BioSource International, Camarillo, CA) were used with supernatants from MNC that had been incubated at a concentration of 2 × 106 cells/ml with or without the relevant Ag or Con A according to the recommended procedures.

Total RNA was extracted from LN and CNS cells using a RNeasy Mini Kit (Qiagen, Hilden, Germany). To avoid amplification/detection of contaminating genomic DNA, extracted RNA was treated with RNase-free DNase (Promega, Madison, WI). Subsequently, cDNA was synthesized by reverse transcription with Moloney murine leukemia virus reverse transcriptase and random pdN6 primers in the presence of RNase inhibitor (Promega). Amplification was performed on an Applied Biosystems Prism 7700 Sequence Detection System (Applied Biosystems, Foster City, CA) using the SYBR-green method with a two-step PCR protocol (95°C for 10 min followed by 40 cycles of 95°C for 15 s and 60°C for 1 min). All primers were constructed over exon/exon borders (Table II). Relative quantity of mRNA levels was performed using the standard curve method. The amount of mRNA in each sample was calculated as the ratio between the amount of cytokine and the amount of GAPDH in this sample. For Ag-restimulated cells, the cytokine/GAPDH ratio of the control sample (without Ag) was set to 1 and the ratio of other samples was expressed relative to the control.

Table II.

Primers for quantitative real-time PCR

Target SequenceForward Primer (5′ to 3′)Reverse Primer (5′ to 3′)
Target SequenceForward Primer (5′ to 3′)Reverse Primer (5′ to 3′)

RT1.B and RT1.D molecules were purified from MHC congenic LEW rat (LEW, LEW.1A, LEW.1N, LEW.1W) thymic and splenic tissues by affinity chromatography using OX-6 (specific for RT1.B molecules) and OX-17 (specific for RT1.D molecules) Abs as described (24). Briefly, tissues were lysed in PBS containing 1% Nonidet P-40 (Boehringer Mannheim, Mannheim, Germany) in the presence of protease inhibitors. The lysates were cleared of nuclei and debris by centrifugation at 40,000 × g for 60 min and passage over a 45-μm filter. The cleared lysates were cycled over OX-6- and OX-17-coupled cyanogen bromide-activated Sepharose-4B (Pharmacia) columns. The columns were washed with 20 column volumes of PBS/0.1% SDS/0.5% Nonidet P-40, 3 column volumes of PBS/0.05% Nonidet P-40, and 3 column volumes of PBS/1% octyl β-d-glucopyranoside (Sigma). Bound MHC molecules were eluted with 0.05 M diethylamine pH 11/0.15 M NaCl/0.1% octyl β-d-glucopyranoside. After neutralization with 2 M Tris-HCl pH 6.3, the purity of the eluted proteins was assessed by SDS-PAGE and subsequent silver staining. The presence of stable MHC class II complexes for each of the haplotypes was confirmed by running the proteins in SDS-PAGE without denaturation through boiling. The protein content was measured with the BCA protein assay (Pierce, Rockford, IL) using BSA as a standard.

Relative affinities of MOG peptides for purified RT1.B and RT1.D molecules were measured by an inhibition ELISA based on a dissociation-enhanced lanthanide fluoroimmunoassay (Wallac, Turku, Finland) (24). Initially, biotinylated tracer peptides were used in a direct binding assay to establish optimal binding conditions for each of the purified RT1.B and RT1.D molecules. In the inhibition ELISA, RT1.B and RT1.D (50–100 nM) molecules were incubated with fixed amounts of their respective tracer peptides (10–50 nM) used in our preceding study (24) in the presence of a range of dilutions of the unlabeled MOG peptides (10-fold dilutions between 1 nM and 100 μM). pH 5 was the optimal pH for binding of the tracer to most of the purified MHC molecules. The binding buffer consisted of a carbonate buffer titrated to pH 5 containing 2 mM EDTA, 0.01% azide, 0.1 mM PMSF, and 0.1% Nonidet P-40 (Boehringer Mannheim). After an incubation of 48 h at 37°C, the peptide-MHC complexes were transferred to Ab-coated (OX-6 or OX-17) ELISA plates (FluoroNunc; Nunc) to remove the excess of nonbound peptides. Europium-labeled streptavidin (Wallac) was added to the plates and incubated for 1 h at room temperature. Finally, the plates were treated with an enhancement solution (Wallac), which releases chelated europium from streptavidin and forms a highly fluorescent solution that can be measured by using a dissociation-enhanced lanthanide fluoroimmunoassay fluorometer (Wallac). The IC50 was determined by plotting the percentage of inhibition vs the concentration of added MOG peptide. Peptides were tested in two to three independent experiments.

To investigate how the affinity between peptide and the restricting MHC molecule might contribute to the immunogenic and encephalitogenic potential of certain peptides in the LEW congenic rat strains, we measured relative affinities of the 18 meric rMOG peptides spanning the extracellular part of rMOG for purified rat RT1.B and RT1.D molecules. RT1.B is supposed to be the rat homolog for HLA-DQ or I-A and RT1.D for HLA-DR or I-E. Both the RT1.Bl and RT1.Bu molecules, which are associated with the MOG-resistant haplotype, mainly bound peptides derived from the C-terminal part of rMOG. In contrast, the RT1.Ba and the RT1.Bn molecules displayed affinity for rMOG peptides covering the whole extracellular part of rMOG (Fig. 1). In general, RT1.D molecules bound a broader range of rMOG peptides and with higher relative affinities than the RT1.B molecules (Fig. 1). Although all the alleles studied were capable of binding several rMOG-derived peptides, the RT1.Bn and RT1.Dn molecules were extremely promiscuous binders with almost all of the rMOG peptides binding to both of the molecules.


Promiscuity of peptide binding to MHC class II molecules of different RT1 haplotypes. Binding of 18 meric 12-aa overlapping rMOG peptides to purified RT1.B (DQ-like) and RT1.D (DR-like) molecules of four different haplotypes was analyzed by ELISA using Europium fluorescence as detection system. IC50 values for each of the peptides were derived from the inhibition curves obtained by ELISA as described in Materials and Methods. Strong differences in the degree of promiscuity of binding peptides were apparent for the different allelic variants of RT1.B and RT1.D molecules. The measurements for each allele were repeated at least twice.


Promiscuity of peptide binding to MHC class II molecules of different RT1 haplotypes. Binding of 18 meric 12-aa overlapping rMOG peptides to purified RT1.B (DQ-like) and RT1.D (DR-like) molecules of four different haplotypes was analyzed by ELISA using Europium fluorescence as detection system. IC50 values for each of the peptides were derived from the inhibition curves obtained by ELISA as described in Materials and Methods. Strong differences in the degree of promiscuity of binding peptides were apparent for the different allelic variants of RT1.B and RT1.D molecules. The measurements for each allele were repeated at least twice.

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Next we studied the MHC haplotype-dependent selection of MOG-immunogenic T cell determinants upon immunization with the extracellular rrMOG. Proliferative responses were measured with [3H]TdR uptake and numbers of cells producing IFN-γ by ELISPOT in response to overlapping rMOG sequence-derived peptides (Fig. 2 A). Peptide-specific responses were in general more sensitively detected by the ELISPOT assay for IFN-γ than proliferation assay. The particular determinants found dominant in the different haplotypes were reproduced in at least four independent experiments. There were different T cell determinants in the four investigated strains, demonstrating the regulation of MHC-related gene products on determinant selection. LEW rats displayed T cell responses to the overlapping peptides MOG37–54 and MOG43–60, indicating a dominant determinant in the MOG37–60 region. LEW.1AV1 rats displayed T cell responses to the MOG73–90 peptide and to the overlapping MOG91–108 and MOG97–114 peptides. In LEW.1N rats the response to MOG peptide 19–36 was dominant. In contrast, LEW.1W rats did not mount clear-cut responses to any of the peptides.


T and B cell determinant mapping after active immunization with rrMOG. A, T cell reactivities mapped with 18 meric 12-aa overlapping rMOG-derived peptides in short-term cultures on day 12 p.i. with rrMOG immunization. In general, the IFN-γ ELISPOT assay was more sensitive than proliferation. B, B cell reactivities to linear rMOG determinants mapped with 18 meric 12-aa overlapping rMOG-derived peptides. Serum samples were taken on day 12 p.i. The bars represent mean values of at least four rats per strain. The procedures were performed as described in Materials and Methods.


T and B cell determinant mapping after active immunization with rrMOG. A, T cell reactivities mapped with 18 meric 12-aa overlapping rMOG-derived peptides in short-term cultures on day 12 p.i. with rrMOG immunization. In general, the IFN-γ ELISPOT assay was more sensitive than proliferation. B, B cell reactivities to linear rMOG determinants mapped with 18 meric 12-aa overlapping rMOG-derived peptides. Serum samples were taken on day 12 p.i. The bars represent mean values of at least four rats per strain. The procedures were performed as described in Materials and Methods.

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The strikingly different responses in the RT1av1 or RT1a and RT1u rats allowed mapping of the T cell responses within the MHC using RT1a/RT1u intra-MHC recombinant rats. The RT1a- and RT1av1-dependent T cell determinants were purely dependent on the MHC class II region (RT1.B/D) and not on other genes within the MHC (Table III). In addition, non-MHC genes did not affect the MHC-selected immunodominant responses because those were similar in four rat strains with the RT1av1 haplotype but different non-MHC genes. There were differences on the qualitative level of proliferative responses and IFN-γ secretion dependent on the non-MHC genes with higher IFN-γ secretion in susceptible strains (data not shown).

Table III.

Influence of gene products within the MHC on generation of immunodominant T cell determinants in different rat strains after priming with rMOG1–125

RT1RT1.ART1.B/DRT1.CStrainImmunodominant T Cell Determinants
LEW MOG37–54, MOG43–60 
LEW.1W None 
r4 LEW.1WR1 None 
r2 LEW.1AR1 None 
LEW.1A MOG73–90, MOG91–108, MOG97–114 
r3 LEW.1AR2 MOG73–90, MOG91–108, MOG97–114 
r6 LEW.1WR2 MOG73–90, MOG91–108, MOG97–114 
av1 av1 LEW.1AV1 MOG73–90, MOG91–108, MOG97–114 
av1 av1 DA MOG73–90, MOG91–108, MOG97–114 
av1 av1 COP MOG73–90, MOG91–108, MOG97–114 
av1 av1 PVG-RTIa MOG73–90, MOG91–108, MOG97–114 
av1 av1 ACI MOG73–90, MOG91–108, MOG97–114 
LEW.1N MOG19–36 
BN MOG19–36 
RT1RT1.ART1.B/DRT1.CStrainImmunodominant T Cell Determinants
LEW MOG37–54, MOG43–60 
LEW.1W None 
r4 LEW.1WR1 None 
r2 LEW.1AR1 None 
LEW.1A MOG73–90, MOG91–108, MOG97–114 
r3 LEW.1AR2 MOG73–90, MOG91–108, MOG97–114 
r6 LEW.1WR2 MOG73–90, MOG91–108, MOG97–114 
av1 av1 LEW.1AV1 MOG73–90, MOG91–108, MOG97–114 
av1 av1 DA MOG73–90, MOG91–108, MOG97–114 
av1 av1 COP MOG73–90, MOG91–108, MOG97–114 
av1 av1 PVG-RTIa MOG73–90, MOG91–108, MOG97–114 
av1 av1 ACI MOG73–90, MOG91–108, MOG97–114 
LEW.1N MOG19–36 
BN MOG19–36 

The T cell determinant specificity after active immunization with rrMOG1–125 is shown in different RT1 haplotypes. The generation of naturally presented dominant T cell determinants was purely dependent on RT1.B/D allelic products and not influenced by other gene products within or outside the MHC. The immunizations and epitope mapping studies were performed as described in Materials and Methods.

We measured Abs of rrMOG-immunized rats to the overlapping MOG peptides to study any MHC haplotype influences on B cell epitope selection. Interestingly, there were reactivities in all strains to peptides MOG1–18 and MOG7–24, MOG91–108, and MOG109–126 without major MHC-guided predominance (Fig. 2 B).

Two sets of MOG peptide immunization experiments, jointly shown in Table IV, were performed. The first set aimed at studying whether the defined dominant determinants were encephalitogenic as well. The second set studied whether cryptic MOG epitopes could be encephalitogenic. In the first set of experiments we immunized groups of LEW rats with peptide MOG37–54, LEW.1AV1 rats with peptides MOG73–90 or MOG91–108, and LEW.1N rats with peptide MOG19–36. As shown in Table IV, only LEW.1AV1 rats immunized with MOG91–108 induced severe disease and demyelinating lesions. Remarkably, this peptide also proved to be a linear B cell determinant (Fig. 2 B).

Table IV.

CNS lesions and disease incidence in four different LEW congenic rat strains actively immunized with overlapping rMOG-derived peptidesa

1–18 0 /3  0,0, 0.1 0 /3  0 /3 0 /4  0 /4 0 /3  0 /3 
7–24 0 /3  0 /3 0 /5  0 /5 0 /4  0 /4 0 /3  0 /3 
13–30 0 /3  0 /3 0 /3  0 /3 0 /4  0 /4 0 /3  0 /3 
19–36 0 /3  0 /3 0 /2  0 /2 0 /4  0 /4 0 /7  0 /7 
25–42 0 /3  0 /3 0 /3  0 /3 0 /4  0 /4 0 /3  0 /3 
31–48 0 /3  0 /3 0 /3  0 /3 0 /4  0 /4 1 /3 0,0,2 0 /3 
37–54 0 /8  0,0,0,0, 0 /2  0 /2 0 /4  0 /4 0 /3  0 /3 
43–60 1 /3 0,0,2 0,0, 0 /3  0 /3 0 /4  0 /4 1 /3 0,0,1 0 /3 
49–66 0 /3  0 /3 0 /3  0 /3 0 /4  0 /4 0 /3  0 /3 
55–72 0 /3  0 /3 0 /3  0 /3 0 /4  0 /4 0 /3  0 /3 
61–78 0 /3  0 /3 0 /3  0,0, 0.1 0 /4  0 /4 0 /3  0 /3 
67–84 0 /3  0 /3 0 /3  0 /3 0 /4  0 /4 0 /3  0 /3 
73–90 0 /3  0 /3 0 /3  0 /3 0 /8  0 /8 0 /3  0 /3 
79–96 0 /3  0 /3 0 /3  0 /3 2 /4 0,0,1,1 0, 0.3, 1 /3 0,0,2 0 /3 
           1, 2.4      
85–102 0 /3  0 /3 0 /3  0 /3 0 /4 0 /4 0 /4 0 /3  0 /3 
91–108 0 /8  0,0,0,0, 0 /6  0 /6 18 /19 2.6± 0.7 0.5 ± 0.4 15 /16 2.2± 1 1± 2.4 
97–114 0 /3  0 /3 0 /3  0 /3 8 /8 2.75± 0.7 0.3± 0.6 2 /4 0,0,2,2 0,0, 
103–120 0 /3  0 /3 0 /3  0 /3 0 /4  0 /4 0 /4  0 /4 
109–126 0 /3  0 /3 0 /3  0 /3 3/4 0,1,2,2 0,0,0, 2 /5 0,0,0,2, 0,0,0, 
           0.06   0.06, 1  
1–18 0 /3  0,0, 0.1 0 /3  0 /3 0 /4  0 /4 0 /3  0 /3 
7–24 0 /3  0 /3 0 /5  0 /5 0 /4  0 /4 0 /3  0 /3 
13–30 0 /3  0 /3 0 /3  0 /3 0 /4  0 /4 0 /3  0 /3 
19–36 0 /3  0 /3 0 /2  0 /2 0 /4  0 /4 0 /7  0 /7 
25–42 0 /3  0 /3 0 /3  0 /3 0 /4  0 /4 0 /3  0 /3 
31–48 0 /3  0 /3 0 /3  0 /3 0 /4  0 /4 1 /3 0,0,2 0 /3 
37–54 0 /8  0,0,0,0, 0 /2  0 /2 0 /4  0 /4 0 /3  0 /3 
43–60 1 /3 0,0,2 0,0, 0 /3  0 /3 0 /4  0 /4 1 /3 0,0,1 0 /3 
49–66 0 /3  0 /3 0 /3  0 /3 0 /4  0 /4 0 /3  0 /3 
55–72 0 /3  0 /3 0 /3  0 /3 0 /4  0 /4 0 /3  0 /3 
61–78 0 /3  0 /3 0 /3  0,0, 0.1 0 /4  0 /4 0 /3  0 /3 
67–84 0 /3  0 /3 0 /3  0 /3 0 /4  0 /4 0 /3  0 /3 
73–90 0 /3  0 /3 0 /3  0 /3 0 /8  0 /8 0 /3  0 /3 
79–96 0 /3  0 /3 0 /3  0 /3 2 /4 0,0,1,1 0, 0.3, 1 /3 0,0,2 0 /3 
           1, 2.4      
85–102 0 /3  0 /3 0 /3  0 /3 0 /4 0 /4 0 /4 0 /3  0 /3 
91–108 0 /8  0,0,0,0, 0 /6  0 /6 18 /19 2.6± 0.7 0.5 ± 0.4 15 /16 2.2± 1 1± 2.4 
97–114 0 /3  0 /3 0 /3  0 /3 8 /8 2.75± 0.7 0.3± 0.6 2 /4 0,0,2,2 0,0, 
103–120 0 /3  0 /3 0 /3  0 /3 0 /4  0 /4 0 /4  0 /4 
109–126 0 /3  0 /3 0 /3  0 /3 3/4 0,1,2,2 0,0,0, 2 /5 0,0,0,2, 0,0,0, 
           0.06   0.06, 1  

No., Number of immunized rats per peptide; MS, maximal disease score obtained (scale 1–4); I, presence of inflammation in the CNS, given as inflammatory index; D, demyelination: y, presence (and n, absence) of demyelinating lesions. The immunizations, scorings, and the histopathological procedures were performed as described in Materials and Methods.

The second set of MOG peptide immunizations studied MHC haplotype regulation of peptide encephalitogenicity systematically, to investigate cryptic determinants as well. Resistance to rrMOG-induced disease in LEW and LEW.1W rats (2) could be due to lack of generation of a suitable encephalitogenic epitope upon Ag processing. To overcome this restriction, we used each of the 19 available rMOG peptides to immunize the different LEW MHC congenic rats (Table IV). Some of the rats were observed until 40 days p.i., whereas others were sacrificed for histopathological examination already on day 16 p.i. No or only mild disease ensued in LEW or LEW.1W rats upon immunization with the peptides. Only one of three LEW rats developed mild disease to peptide MOG43–60 and one of eight rats showed a mild inflammation after immunization with the MOG37–54. One of eight rats had mild inflammation in the spinal cord after immunization with the MOG91–108 without clinical disease. One of three LEW.1W rats showed slight inflammation of the spinal cord after immunization with peptide MOG61–78 without paresis. In contrast, the two MHC congenic strains susceptible to rrMOG, LEW.1AV1 and LEW.1N, displayed conspicuous EAE after immunization with certain peptides. However, these were not congruent with those being immunodominant in regard to T cell immunogenicity. Thus LEW.1AV1 and to our surprise LEW.1N rats showed severe clinical as well as histopathological signs of EAE mainly upon immunization with peptides MOG91–108 and MOG97–114, but some milder disease and lesions also with peptides MOG79–96 and MOG109–126. Furthermore, one of three LEW.1N rats had mild clinical EAE with MOG31–48 and one of three rats with MOG43–60, both without detectable infiltrates in the CNS. The clinical signs of EAE induced in diseased rats were rather atypical and included weight loss, severe balance disturbance, and front leg paralysis instead of the more classical flaccid tail and hind leg paralysis described in MBP-induced EAE (2, 3, 23). Disease typically developed between days 15 and 20 p. i., and usually animals recovered and then relapsed in 40% of investigated rats (data not shown). The relapse rate could be higher, but is problematic to assess due to the difficulties in scoring the lesion-associated milder clinical symptoms like optic neuritis, sensory disturbances, and mild bladder dysfunction. The CNS lesions were found with higher incidence in the brain than in the spinal cord. There was a high incidence of optic neuritis. Demyelinating lesions contained complement deposition, indicating Ab-triggered demyelination (Fig. 3). Topography as well as histology mimicked typical MS.


Representative histopathology of LEW.1AV1 and LEW.1N rats immunized with MOG peptide 91–108. Large confluent demyelinated lesion located in the fornix (a). Higher magnification shows myelin degradation products positive for luxol fast blue in macrophages (b). Active demyelination is associated with deposition of complement component C9 (c) and T cell and granulocyte infiltration (d); inactive areas contain predominantly macrophages (e). Serial diencephalic brain sections were stained with luxol fast blue (a and b); immunohistochemistry for complement component C9 (c), for W3/13 (T cells and granulocytes, d), and for ED1 (activated macrophages and microglia, e). Magnification: a, c, d, and e, ×30; b, ×75.


Representative histopathology of LEW.1AV1 and LEW.1N rats immunized with MOG peptide 91–108. Large confluent demyelinated lesion located in the fornix (a). Higher magnification shows myelin degradation products positive for luxol fast blue in macrophages (b). Active demyelination is associated with deposition of complement component C9 (c) and T cell and granulocyte infiltration (d); inactive areas contain predominantly macrophages (e). Serial diencephalic brain sections were stained with luxol fast blue (a and b); immunohistochemistry for complement component C9 (c), for W3/13 (T cells and granulocytes, d), and for ED1 (activated macrophages and microglia, e). Magnification: a, c, d, and e, ×30; b, ×75.

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To study the immunogenicity of overlapping MOG peptides and to investigate whether this had any relation to encephalitogenicity we investigated quality of peptide-specific T cell response in terms of proliferation as assessed by 3[H]TdR uptake and IFN-γ secretion as assessed by ELISPOT (Fig. 4,A). The different strains displayed high responses to the immunodominant peptides, defined after MOG immunization. However, in addition there were several cryptic determinants in most of the strains giving high T cell responses in the form of IFN-γ and proliferative indices. Although neither LEW nor LEW.1W rats developed disease upon peptide immunizations, both strains were clearly capable of raising T cell responses to several peptides (Fig. 4,A), which were partly combined with B cell responses to the peptide of immunization (Fig. 4,B). In LEW.1AV1 as well as LEW.1N rats there were Ab responses against MOG91–108 (Fig. 4,B), which cross-reacted with rMOG1–125 (data not shown), suggesting that pathogenic, potentially demyelinating Abs binding to surface-exposed full-length MOG in vivo could have a role in disease induced with MOG91–108. Interestingly, there was no detectable Ag-induced T cell response to MOG peptide 91–108 in the LEW.1N rat strain in terms of IL-4 and IL-10 secretion as assessed by ELISA in peripheral lymphoid tissue (data not shown). Real time quantitative PCR for assessment of Ag-induced mRNA expression of IFN-γ, TNF-α, and IL-4 did not reveal T cell reactivity in LEW.1N rats but showed very high IFN-γ mRNA expression in LEW.1AV1 rats (data not shown). There was no Ag-induced TGF-β mRNA detected in LEW.1AV1 and LEW.1N rats (data not shown). Kinetic investigations on days 7, 9, 12, and 16 p.i. did not show T cell responses in LEW.1N rats (each time point n = 4). At the time point of immunization, we titrated peptide MOG91–108 (1, 5, 10, 20, 50, and 100 μg MOG91–108 in CFA at immunization, n = 4 rats each peptide dose) to assess the possibility that the height of the Ag dose could have an impact on MOG peptide 91–108-specific recall responses in peripheral lymphoid tissue in LEW.1N rats. Also, this did not result in detection of IFN-γ-secreting cells in peripheral lymphoid tissue (data not shown). Finally, we eluted infiltrating cells from CNS of LEW.1AV1 and LEW.1N rats, enriched these for lymphoid cells with Percoll gradients, and further analyzed them for IFN-γ, TNF-α, and IL-4 mRNA by quantitative real time PCR (Table V). There was mRNA message for IFN-γ, TNF-α, and IL-4 in LEW.1AV1 and LEW.1N rats. The height of the mRNA message was higher in LEW.1N rats compared with LEW.1AV1 rats. This underscores a difference of MHC class II-regulated T cell responses in peripheral lymphoid tissue compared with the target organ tissue in MOG-EAE. Interestingly, restimulation of eluted cells with Ag showed much higher IFN-γ mRNA expression in LEW.1AV1 compared with LEW.1N rats, indicating that T cells had been restimulated in vivo within the target organ to a higher degree in LEW.1N rats compared with LEW.1AV1 rats (Fig. 5).


T and B cell repertoire analysis to MOG determinants. The figure illustrates actively immunized rats with 18 meric 12-aa overlapping rMOG-derived peptides spanning the extracellular domain of rMOG. A, T cell reactivities analyzed on day 16 p.i. by ELISPOT assay for IFN-γ-secreting cells and proliferation to the peptide of immunization. B, Serum samples taken and analyzed by ELISA for rMOG peptide-specific Abs taken on day 16 p.i. to the peptide of active immunization. The bars represent mean values of at least four rats per strain. The procedures were performed as described in Materials and Methods.


T and B cell repertoire analysis to MOG determinants. The figure illustrates actively immunized rats with 18 meric 12-aa overlapping rMOG-derived peptides spanning the extracellular domain of rMOG. A, T cell reactivities analyzed on day 16 p.i. by ELISPOT assay for IFN-γ-secreting cells and proliferation to the peptide of immunization. B, Serum samples taken and analyzed by ELISA for rMOG peptide-specific Abs taken on day 16 p.i. to the peptide of active immunization. The bars represent mean values of at least four rats per strain. The procedures were performed as described in Materials and Methods.

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Table V.

Cytokine mRNA expression of CNS-infiltrating cells assessed by quantitative real-time PCRa

LEW.1AV1 1.6 ± 0.14 9.1 ± 1.3 1.7 ± 0.1 
LEW.1N 13.5 ± 2.6 87.3 ± 34 17.4 ± 3 
p 0.01 0.08 0.006 
LEW.1AV1 1.6 ± 0.14 9.1 ± 1.3 1.7 ± 0.1 
LEW.1N 13.5 ± 2.6 87.3 ± 34 17.4 ± 3 
p 0.01 0.08 0.006 

CNS-infiltrating cells were rescued on day 12 p.i. by Percoll gradients and subsequently analyzed for cytokine mRNA expression by quantitative real time PCR for IFN-γ, TNF-α, and IL-4. There was detectable mRNA expression for IFN-γ, TNF-α, and IL-4. Cells eluted from LEW.1N rats showed quantitatively higher cytokine mRNA expression compared to LEW.1AV rats. The procedures were performed as described in Materials and Methods. p, Statistical significance in the comparison LEW.1AV1 to LEW.1N.


Ag-induced cytokine mRNA expression of CNS-infiltrating cells. Ag-induced IFN-γ, TNF-α, and IL-4 mRNA expression of CNS-infiltrating cells is illustrated as assessed by real time quantitative PCR. Rats were sacrificed on day 12 p.i. CNS-infiltrating cells were eluted over Percoll gradients, and subsequently eluted cells were restimulated for 6 h with and without Ag. The bars represent mean values of four rats per strain. The procedures were performed as described in Materials and Methods.


Ag-induced cytokine mRNA expression of CNS-infiltrating cells. Ag-induced IFN-γ, TNF-α, and IL-4 mRNA expression of CNS-infiltrating cells is illustrated as assessed by real time quantitative PCR. Rats were sacrificed on day 12 p.i. CNS-infiltrating cells were eluted over Percoll gradients, and subsequently eluted cells were restimulated for 6 h with and without Ag. The bars represent mean values of four rats per strain. The procedures were performed as described in Materials and Methods.

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After demonstrating that MOG peptide 91–108 immunization induced disease in the rats bearing RT1av1 and RT1n haplotypes, we were interested in which regions within the MHC permitted disease and whether the peptide-induced disease was subject to non-MHC gene influences. A variety of inbred, MHC congenic, and intra-MHC congenic rat strains were immunized with MOG91–108 (Table VI). All congenic and intra-MHC recombinant LEW rat strains with the RT1.Ba/Da alleles in the MHC class II region developed disease and histopathological lesions, while rat strains with the RT1.Bu/Du alleles in the MHC class II region remained unaffected. There were no apparent influences from the RT1.A or RT1.C region. Immunization of the rat strains with the susceptible RT1.Ba/Da alleles in the MHC class II region, to study non-MHC gene regulation, demonstrated that all investigated dark Agouti rats developed disease, whereas all five PVG-RT1a rats were protected and only one of four ACI rats had some mild CNS infiltrates. Thus, non-MHC genes regulate MOG peptide 91–108-induced EAE.

Table VI.

MOG peptide 91–108-induced EAEa

LEW 0 /8 1 /8 
LEW.1W 0 /6 0 /6 
r4 LEW.1WR1 0 /4 0 /4 
r2 LEW.1AR1 0 /7 0 /7 
LEW.1A 7 /10 8 /10 
r3 LEW.1AR2 5 /5 5 /5 
r6 LEW.1WR2 4 /4 4 /4 
av1 av1 LEW.1AV1 18 /19 8 /10 
av1 av1 DA 4 /5 4 /5 
av1 av1 PVG-RTIa 0 /5 0 /5 
av1 av1 ACI 1 /4 1 /4 
LEW.1N 15 /16 7 /9 
LEW 0 /8 1 /8 
LEW.1W 0 /6 0 /6 
r4 LEW.1WR1 0 /4 0 /4 
r2 LEW.1AR1 0 /7 0 /7 
LEW.1A 7 /10 8 /10 
r3 LEW.1AR2 5 /5 5 /5 
r6 LEW.1WR2 4 /4 4 /4 
av1 av1 LEW.1AV1 18 /19 8 /10 
av1 av1 DA 4 /5 4 /5 
av1 av1 PVG-RTIa 0 /5 0 /5 
av1 av1 ACI 1 /4 1 /4 
LEW.1N 15 /16 7 /9 

The incidence of CNS lesions and incidence of disease is shown in different rat strains after active immunization with MOG peptide 91–108. The development of CNS lesions in the intra-MHC recombinant rat strains was purely dependent on RT1.B/D gene products. The immunizations, scoring, and histopathological investigations were performed as indicated in Materials and Methods.

To prove that MOG91–108 contains the disease-inducing epitope in LEW.1N rats after immunization with rrMOG we nasally tolerized with MOG19–36, MOG91–108, or (as control) PBS and induced active EAE with rrMOG. Only LEW.1N rats nasally tolerized with MOG91–108 showed amelioration of EAE, in contrast to LEW.1N rats tolerized with MOG19–36, which developed the same severity of disease as PBS-treated controls (Fig. 6). This experiment strongly suggests that MOG91–108 is the disease-promoting MOG determinant in LEW.1N rats immunized with rrMOG1–125.


Nasal tolerance with either MOG19–36 or MOG91–108 in rrMOG-induced EAE. Rats were given in each nostril 60 μg of peptide in 60 μl of PBS on days 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, and 6 before induction of active EAE with rrMOG. Only LEW.1N rats that had received MOG91–108 (n = 7) showed significant reduction in disease score (p = 0.008), whereas MOG19–36 (n = 7)- or PBS (n = 7)-treated rats were not protected. The procedures were performed as described in Materials and Methods.


Nasal tolerance with either MOG19–36 or MOG91–108 in rrMOG-induced EAE. Rats were given in each nostril 60 μg of peptide in 60 μl of PBS on days 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, and 6 before induction of active EAE with rrMOG. Only LEW.1N rats that had received MOG91–108 (n = 7) showed significant reduction in disease score (p = 0.008), whereas MOG19–36 (n = 7)- or PBS (n = 7)-treated rats were not protected. The procedures were performed as described in Materials and Methods.

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Based on this study we conclude that 1) the immune response against encephalitogenic sequences can differ dramatically in peripheral lymphoid tissue compared with the target organ tissue, the CNS (immunodominance in peripheral lymphoid tissue in MOG-EAE is not linked to disease-inducing potential). Immunization with MOG19–36 failed to induce disease in LEW.1N, although the ex vivo response to this peptide was dominant in the RT1n haplotype. Rather, overt clinical disease accompanied by CNS lesions could be induced in this strain with MOG91–108, a peptide to which no IFN-γ response or T2-biased cytokine response could be measured in peripheral lymphoid tissue but in the CNS); 2) MOG region 91–114 contains the autoaggressive or disease-promoting T cell determinants in LEW.1AV1 as well as LEW.1N rats; 3) the generation of a peptide-specific IFN-γ response or B cell reactivity was not sufficient to induce disease (for example, LEW rats did not develop disease after immunization with MOG91–108, nor did LEW.1W rats develop disease after immunization with MOG1–18, although in both cases immunization with these peptides led to an IFN-γ response and an Ab response that was cross-reactive with rrMOG (data not shown)). Possibly, this is due to lack of processing of these peptides in the CNS or to the presence of a regulatory subset of T cells, Ref. 25, 26, 27); and 4) although binding of MOG peptides is a prerequisite for immunogenicity, the predictive value of the MHC class II binding for encephalitogenicity is low. This is in line with earlier studies in proteolipid protein-induced EAE in mice (28). In contrast to this study we show also that peptides without a detectable ex vivo T cell response can induce EAE.

Immunization with MOG91–108 not only led to different outcomes in the four tested LEW RT1 congenic rat strains. Non-MHC genes affected disease and immune responses as well: in four tested RT1av1 congenic rat strains, all strains showed responses to this peptide by proliferation, but differences in IFN-γ secretion (data not shown) and disease susceptibility. These differences are the starting point of investigations on both MHC and non-MHC gene-mediated regulation of MOG91–108-specific responses and susceptibility (5).

Immunodominance of T cell determinants was purely MHC class II molecule guided as we could show in epitope mapping studies after active immunization with rrMOG1–125 of different MHC congenic, intra-MHC congenic, and inbred rats with different non-MHC genes (29). This observation points to the MHC molecule and its physicochemical properties as major determinator and ‘nursing’ structure for selection of peptides during Ag processing and subsequent presentation to T cells (30). The spectrum of MOG peptides binding to the different allelic variants of RT1.B molecules varied greatly, but to a lower degree for the RT1.D molecules. This is in line with our preceding work in MBP-induced EAE in different MHC congenic LEW rat strains (24). Certain haplotypes, like the RT1n haplotype, displayed a very promiscuous binding of MOG peptides. All immunogenic peptides bound with intermediate or high affinity to either one or both of the RT1.B or RT1.D molecules. But although several peptides bound well to the MHC molecules, many of these were nonimmunogenic or nonencephalitogenic. It demonstrates that the autoimmune responses to many parts of this protein are tolerized (31, 32, 33). Because, to our current knowledge, MOG is sequestered in the CNS, tolerization could be achieved by homologous proteins such as the butyrophylin and B7 family (8, 34) or host mimicking exogenous agents (23, 35, 36).

Our data argue for differential selection and/or tuning of MOG sequence 91–114- specific pathogenic and regulatory T cells in different MHC haplotypes during tolerance induction or peripheral activation (37). The origin of this haplotype-dependent effect might lie in the level of promiscuity of MOG-derived peptides binding to the haplotype-associated MHC class II molecules and the affinities of these interactions. The lack of a measurable T cell response to MOG91–108 in LEW.1N rats in peripheral lymphoid tissue but the presence of such a response in the CNS target tissue argues for breakage of tolerance within the target tissue. The exact mechanism that leads to intra-CNS expansion of autoreactive T cells is presently unclear and the subject of ongoing investigations.

Potentially very small numbers of MOG91–108 autoreactive T cells could be present in peripheral lymphoid tissue that get activated by challenge with Ag but that are not detected ex vivo. They travel into the CNS where they get restimulated and expanded by Ag presented on local APCs. APCs in the CNS might have different stimulatory capacity compared to APC in peripheral lymphoid tissue. The MOG91–108-specific T cells could also be partially tolerized and express a cytokine or chemokine that we did not investigate.

A discrepancy lies in the fact that, when mapping dominant determinants, immunization of LEW.1N rats with extracellular MOG systematically leads to large amounts of IFN-γ-secreting cells in peripheral lymphoid tissue, whereas none of the extracellular MOG peptides can equal this response. This is also in contrast with the RT1l and RT1av1 haplotypes, where the extracellular MOG response is generally lower than in the RT1n haplotype, but where the dominant determinants show a very clear-cut IFN-γ response (Fig. 2). Because both extracellular MOG and MOG91–108 can induce severe EAE in LEW.1N rats, this demonstrates that IFN-γ response and ensuing disease do not always correlate. Because rMOG requires protein processing for the generation of an autoantigen-specific T cell response, the role of disease-associated IFN-γ might lie in the diversification of the immune response in forms of increased processing and presentation of different rMOG determinants through increased engagement of a variety of APC-like B cells (38, 39, 40). This might lead to the diversification of the MOG specific immune response by presentation of ‘hidden’ epitopes (41). Moreover, IFN-γ production of T cells might stimulate the production of autoantibodies to conformationally dependent or linear epitopes of MOG (42).

To obtain a pathogenic/encephalitogenic autoimmune response upon immunization with rrMOG1–125, the response needs diversification toward a determinant within MOG sequence 91–114 because this peptide caused severe histopathological lesions and disease in LEW.1AV1 and LEW.1N rats, regardless of being immunodominant or cryptic. A constitutive level of presentation of this T cell determinant in the CNS is required, otherwise EAE would not develop after immunization with peptides MOG91–108 and MOG97–114 (43). Moreover, MOG91–114-reactive T cells must pass the blood-brain barrier, what preferentially happens if T cells are activated and express the right set of accessory molecules like adhesion molecules (44, 45, 46). Our data indicate that in strains that do not show strong T cell reactivity toward these peptides in the peripheral lymphoid tissue, potentially a strong response at the target organ might exist. This response would be dependent on the local APC and their naturally processed and presented peptide determinants (43, 47).

Both susceptible LEW.1AV1 and LEW.1N strains, as well as the resistant LEW and LEW.1W strains, raised a B cell response upon immunization with MOG peptide 91–108, which was cross-reactive with rMOG (data not shown). Moreover, complement deposition was visible in most of the MOG91–108- and MOG97–114-immunized animals, suggesting Ab-triggered demyelination (3, 48, 49). Recently, Genain et al. were able to identify Abs against linear MOG epitopes specifically binding to disintegrating myelin around axons in lesions of acute MS (15). Taken together, these data strongly point toward a pathogenic potential of Abs against MOG91–108 and MOG97–114. If these Abs are involved in demyelination (7, 20), this would argue for a qualitative or quantitative difference in the Ab response raised against this peptide dictated by elements within the MHC, which map toward the RT1.B/D region. This might be due to differences in T cell help toward B cells. Alternatively, but not in line with our data, T effector cells might mediate B cell-independent demyelination (21).

In our study, only MOG sequence 91–114 reproducibly induced CNS inflammation and demyelination associated with severe clinical disease. This is in contrast to other studies where also MOG35–55 induced demyelination and disease in LEW rats (50). The discrepancy might lie in the use of different substrains of LEW rats. Interestingly, MOG35–55 is considered one of the main encephalitogenic regions of MOG because it is capable of inducing MS-like disease in several mouse strains (18, 51). These studies only tested MOG peptides predicted by computer programs that did not identify MOG91–108 as a potential encephalitogenic T cell determinant. An exception is the work of Amor et al., who identified MOG92–106 as encephalitogen in SJL mice by systematic immunization with overlapping peptides covering the extracellular part of MOG (17).

The data have implications for studies of potential pathogenic autoimmune T cell responses in humans in the sense that in this study neither peptide binding nor epitope mapping with proliferation and IFN-γ secretion, T2 cytokine ELISA, and mRNA expression for cytokines were capable of identifying all encephalitogenic determinants in peripheral lymphoid tissue. Current approaches for detection of disease inducing T cells in the periphery in humans might only reveal a limited and not relevant set of epitopes. The data underscore the need to investigate cellular responses within the target organ tissue.

We thank Anna Gustafsson for help with the peptide binding studies.


This study was supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (We 1947/1-1, We 1947/2-1, and SFB 510 project D6), the Swedish Medical Research Council, and the European Union (BMH4-97-202).


Abbreviations used in this paper: EAE, experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis; MBP, myelin basic protein; MOG, myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein; rMOG, rat MOG; RT1, MHC of rat; MS, multiple sclerosis; LEW, Lewis; ELISPOT, enzyme-linked immunospot; p.i., postimmunization; LN, lymph nodes; MNC, mononuclear cells; CM, complete medium; rrMOG, recombinant rat MOG.

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. Biotechnological agents for the immunotherapy of multiple sclerosis: principles, problems, and perspectives.
Stefferl, A., U. Brehm, M. Storch, D. Lambracht-Washington, C. Bourquin, K. Wonigeit, H. Lassmann, C. Linington.
. Myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein induces experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis in the “resistant” Brown Norway rat: disease susceptibility is determined by MHC and MHC-linked effects on the B cell response.
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Hjelmström, P., A. E. Juedes, J. Fjell, N. H. Ruddle.
. B-cell deficient mice develop experimental allergic encephalomyelitis with demyelination after myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein sensitization.
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Hedrich, H. J..
Genetic monitoring of inbred strains of rats
Gustav Fischer Verlag, Stuttgart.
Weissert, R., A. Svenningsson, A. Lobell, K. L. de Graaf, R. Andersson, T. Olsson.
. Molecular and genetic requirements for preferential recruitment of TCRBV8S2+ T cells in Lewis rat experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis.
J. Immunol.
de Graaf, K. L., R. Weissert, P. Kjellén, R. Holmdahl, T. Olsson.
. Allelic variations in rat MHC class II binding of myelin basic protein peptides correlate with encephalitogenicity.
Int. Immunol.
Olivares-Villagomez, D., Y. Wang, J. J. Lafaille.
. Regulatory CD4+ T cells expressing endogenous T cell receptor protect myelin basic protein-specific transgenic mice from spontaneous autoimmune encephalomyelitis.
J. Exp. Med.
Seddon, B., D. Mason.
. Peripheral autoantigen induces regulatory T cells that prevent autoimmunity.
J. Exp. Med.
Zhang, Z. X., L. Yang, K. J. Young, B. Du Temple, L. Zhang.
. Identification of a previously unknown antigen-specific regulatory T cell and its mechanism of suppression.
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Greer, J. M., R. A. Sobel, A. Sette, S. Southwood, M. B. Lees, V. K. Kuchroo.
. Immunogenic and encephalitogenic epitope clusters of myelin proteolipid protein.
J. Immunol.
Moudgil, K. D., D. Sekiguchi, S. Y. Kim, E. E. Sercarz.
. Immunodominance is independent of structural constraints: each region within hen egg white lysozyme is potentially available upon processing of native antigen.
J. Immunol.
Sercarz, E. E., P. V. Lehmann, A. Ametani, G. Benichou, A. Miller, K. Moudgil.
. Dominance and crypticity of T cell antigenic determinants.
Annu. Rev. Immunol.
Harrington, C. J., A. Paez, T. Hunkapiller, V. Mannikko, T. Brabb, M. Ahearn, C. Beeson, J. Goverman.
. Differential tolerance is induced in T cells recognizing distinct epitopes of myelin basic protein.
Targoni, O. S., P. V. Lehmann.
. Endogenous myelin basic protein inactivates the high avidity T cell repertoire.
J. Exp. Med.
Anderson, A. C., L. B. Nicholson, K. L. Legge, V. Turchin, H. Zaghouani, V. K. Kuchroo.
. High frequency of autoreactive myelin proteolipid protein-specific T cells in the periphery of naive mice: mechanisms of selection of the self-reactive repertoire.
J. Exp. Med.
Henry, J., M. M. Miller, P. Pontarotti.
. Structure and evolution of the extended B7 family.
Immunol. Today
Wucherpfennig, K. W., J. L. Strominger.
. Molecular mimicry in T cell mediated autoimmunity: viral peptides activate human T cell clones specific for myelin basic protein.
Hemmer, B., B. T. Fleckenstein, M. Vergelli, G. Jung, H. McFarland, R. Martin, K. H. Wiesmüller.
. Identification of high potency microbial and self ligands for a human autoreactive class II-restricted T cell clone.
J. Exp. Med.
Ohashi, P. S..
. T cell selection and autoimmunity: flexibility and tuning.
Curr. Opin. Immunol.
Wong, G. H., P. F. Bartlett, I. Clark-Lewis, F. Battye, J. W. Schrader.
. Inducible expression of H-2 and Ia antigens on brain cells.
Skoskiewicz, M. J., R. B. Colvin, E. E. Schneeberger, P. S. Russell.
. Widespread and selective induction of major histocompatibility complex- determined antigens in vivo by γ interferon.
J. Exp. Med.
Roos, A., E. J. Schilder-Tol, M. A. Chand, N. Claessen, F. G. Lakkis, D. W. Pascual, J. J. Weening, J. Aten.
. Differential regulation of expression of the MHC class II molecules RT1.B and RT1.D on rat B lymphocytes: effects of interleukin-4, interleukin-13 and interferon-γ.
Falcone, M., J. Lee, G. Patstone, B. Yeung, N. Sarvetnick.
. B lymphocytes are crucial antigen-presenting cells in the pathogenic autoimmune response to GAD65 antigen in nonobese diabetic mice.
J. Immunol.
Balasa, B., C. Deng, J. Lee, L. M. Bradley, D. K. Dalton, P. Christadoss, N. Sarvetnik.
. Interferon γ (IFN-γ) is necessary for the genesis of acetylcholine receptor-induced clinical experimental autoimmune myasthenia gravis in mice.
J. Exp. Med.
Lehmann, P. V..
. The fate of T cells in the brain: veni, vidi, vici and veni, mori.
Am. J. Pathol.
Wekerle, H., C. Linington, H. Lassmann, R. Meyermann.
. Cellular immune reactivity within the CNS.
Trends Neurosci.
Baron, J. L., J. A. Madri, N. H. Ruddle, G. Hashim, C. A. Janeway, Jr.
. Surface expression of α4 integrin by CD4 T cells is required for their entry into brain parenchyma.
J. Exp. Med.
Brabb, T., P. von Dassow, N. Ordonez, B. Schnabel, B. Duke, J. Goverman.
. In situ tolerance within the central nervous system as a mechanism for preventing autoimmunity.
J. Exp. Med.
Ford, A. L., E. Foulcher, F. A. Lemckert, J. D. Sedgwick.
. Microglia induce CD4 T lymphocyte final effector function and death.
J. Exp. Med.
Lassmann, H., C. Brunner, M. Bradl, C. Linington.
. Experimental allergic encephalomyelitis: the balance between encephalitogenic T lymphocytes and demyelinating antibodies determines size and structure of demyelinating lesions.
Acta Neuropathol.
Piddlesden, S. J., M. K. Storch, M. Hibbs, A. M. Freeman, H. Lassmann, B. P. Morgan.
. Soluble recombinant complement receptor 1 inhibits inflammation and demyelination in antibody-mediated demyelinating experimental allergic encephalomyelitis.
J. Immunol.
Ichikawa, M., T. G. Johns, M. Adelmann, C. C. A. Bernard.
. Antibody response in Lewis rats injected with myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein derived peptides.
Int. Immunol.
Mendel, I., N. Kerlero de Rosbo, A. Ben-Nun.
. A myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein peptide induces typical chronic experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis in H-2b mice: fine specificity and T cell receptor Vβ expression of encephalitogenic T cells.
Eur. J. Immunol.