The much hyped “Great Resignation” in the world of economic forecasting has opened a big door for the students to take an easy and timely exit from education. Is it a revolving door or a one-way exit with no easy return. There are more job openings for unskilled workers, luring students to leave their studies incomplete and take over odd jobs. Remote education experience changed hearts and minds of the global students and created a survival mindset. Pandemic without question has caused significant loss of lives with profound disruption to lives and livelihoods. As the pandemic is lingering on with uncertainty and ambiguity, students are tempted to leave studies in search of more money, more flexibility, and more happiness. With the fallout of COVID-19 yet to be fully realized and fixed, the predictive-enrollment models that traditionally used to plan classes won’t hold up in the post-pandemic world. We surveyed the current student population across different continents, Asia, Europe, Russia, US and tried to figure out the mindset of student enrollment and attrition. The perception and trends data from 300 respondents across the globe showed a significant economic impact on international students failing to register for higher education abroad in western hemisphere. Majority of students surveyed believe that the education system may have oversold the value of remote education and classroom technology. Free and open-source technologies available to both teachers and students have created a monster of virtual global education. For students in Eastern part of the world, the pandemic has offered new perks. Most students reported that they are rethinking their education needs and reimagining how knowledge and learning could best shape their careers.