On the basis of experiments performed in this laboratory brief mention has previously been made (1, p. 94; 2) of results derived from a study of reactions of immune sera to azoproteins containing antipyrine derivatives. This communication presents experimental evidence, and additional data and their discussion.

Of the many examinations into serological specificity with artificial conjugated antigens only few have concerned themselves with heterocyclic haptens (2–5). In a study on serological reactions of pyrazolone derivatives Erlenmeyer and Berger (3) and Berger (6) presented evidence to show that the group is the determinant structure of their hapten (antipyrine), and that a correlation exists between the serological specificity and the pharmacological action of the substances considered.

In this investigation immune sera were produced for azoproteins, prepared by coupling 4-aminoantipyrine (I) and p-aminoantipyrine (II) to horse serum, and examined by the usual technics.

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