Donald Thomas Fraser, M.C., B.A., M.B., D.P.H., F.R.S.C., Associate Director of the Connaught Medical Research Laboratories and the School of Hygiene of the University of Toronto, died suddenly on July 19, 1954, in Santiago, Chile. Although he suffered a serious heart attack several years ago, Dr. Fraser carried on his work with the courage that characterized his whole life. He was making a tour of South American medical schools and schools of public health, at the request of the World Health Organization and under the auspices of the Pan American Sanitary Bureau, when he was stricken by a heart attack which caused his death ten days later.
Dr. Fraser was born in Toronto, son of the late Professor William H. Fraser, who for many years was head of the departments of Italian and Spanish at the University. After obtaining the degree of Bachelor of Arts at the University of Toronto, he graduated in medicine.