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The events of primary T cell activation can be staged by use of Sepharose-bound anti-T3 (64.1) monoclonal antibody and purified interleukin 1.
J Immunol (1985) 135 (4): 2249–2255.
Antigen-specific T cell activation results in an increase in cytoplasmic free calcium.
J Immunol (1985) 135 (4): 2256–2261.
Calcium ionophore plus phorbol ester can substitute for antigen in the induction of cytolytic T lymphocytes from specifically primed precursors.
J Immunol (1985) 135 (4): 2262–2267.
Regulatory role of a monomorphic determinant of HLA Class I antigens in T cell proliferation.
J Immunol (1985) 135 (4): 2268–2273.
Presentation of Class I antigens on T cells can induce the generation of antigen-specific CTL.
J Immunol (1985) 135 (4): 2274–2278.
The effects of 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 on human T lymphocyte activation and proliferation: a cell cycle analysis.
J Immunol (1985) 135 (4): 2279–2286.
Retrovirus-induced changes in major histocompatibility complex antigen expression influence susceptibility to lysis by cytotoxic T lymphocytes.
J Immunol (1985) 135 (4): 2287–2292.
Physiology of IgD. V. Enhancement of antibody responses in vivo by allo anti-IgD is due primarily to an indirect effect on B cells.
J Immunol (1985) 135 (4): 2293–2298.
B lymphocyte production in the bone marrow of mice with X-linked immunodeficiency (xid).
J Immunol (1985) 135 (4): 2299–2302.
Postnatal liver hemopoiesis in mice: generation of pre-B cells, granulocytes, and erythrocytes in discrete colonies.
J Immunol (1985) 135 (4): 2303–2311.
Suppression and contrasuppression in the induction of contact sensitivity by the administration of cellbound antigen-antibody complexes.
J Immunol (1985) 135 (4): 2312–2318.
Carrier-induced epitopic suppression, a major issue for future synthetic vaccines.
J Immunol (1985) 135 (4): 2319–2322.
Human monocyte adherence to cultured vascular endothelium: monoclonal antibody-defined mechanisms.
J Immunol (1985) 135 (4): 2323–2330.
Antibodies to Tp67 and Tp44 augment and sustain proliferative responses of activated T cells.
J Immunol (1985) 135 (4): 2331–2336.
The tumor promoter teleocidin induces IL 2 receptor expression and IL 2-independent proliferation of human peripheral blood T cells.
J Immunol (1985) 135 (4): 2343–2350.
Competition between antigen and anti-idiotypes for rheumatoid factors.
J Immunol (1985) 135 (4): 2357–2361.
Surface marker characterization of EBV target cells in normal blood and tonsil B lymphocyte populations.
J Immunol (1985) 135 (4): 2362–2367.
Activation of tissue macrophages from AIDS patients: in vitro response of AIDS alveolar macrophages to lymphokines and interferon-gamma.
J Immunol (1985) 135 (4): 2374–2377.
Genetic restriction of autoreactive acetylcholine receptor-specific T lymphocytes in myasthenia gravis.
J Immunol (1985) 135 (4): 2393–2399.
Characterization of antigens and antibody specificities involved in Heymann nephritis.
J Immunol (1985) 135 (4): 2400–2408.
Modulation of c-myb transcription in autoimmune disease by cyclophosphamide.
J Immunol (1985) 135 (4): 2417–2422.
Functional analysis of T cell subsets from mice bearing the lpr gene.
J Immunol (1985) 135 (4): 2423–2428.
Allogeneic leukocyte and germ cell-induced murine immunodeficiency.
J Immunol (1985) 135 (4): 2429–2431.
Enlargement of Lyt-2-positive T cells is associated with functional impairment and autoimmune hemolytic anemia in New Zealand Black mice.
J Immunol (1985) 135 (4): 2432–2437.
Two defects in old New Zealand Black mice are involved in the loss of low-dose paralysis to type III pneumococcal polysaccharide.
J Immunol (1985) 135 (4): 2438–2442.
Analysis of lymphocytes infiltrating the thyroid gland of Obese strain chickens.
J Immunol (1985) 135 (4): 2452–2457.
In vitro T cell hyperreactivity in Obese strain (OS) chickens is due to a defect in nonspecific suppressor mechanism(s).
J Immunol (1985) 135 (4): 2458–2463.
Interaction of interleukin 2 with cells: quantitative analysis of effects.
J Immunol (1985) 135 (4): 2464–2473.
Interleukin 2 acts directly on a Tac-positive cloned B cell line established from a patient with adult T cell leukemia.
J Immunol (1985) 135 (4): 2474–2477.
Monoclonal antibody OKT11A inhibits and recombinant interleukin 2 (IL 2) augments expression of IL 2 receptors at a pretranslational level.
J Immunol (1985) 135 (4): 2478–2482.
Hyporesponsiveness to augmentation of murine natural killer cell activity in different anatomical compartments by multiple injections of various immunomodulators including recombinant interferons and interleukin 2.
J E Talmadge; R B Herberman; M A Chirigos; A E Maluish; M A Schneider; J S Adams; H Philips; G B Thurman; L Varesio; C Long
J Immunol (1985) 135 (4): 2483–2491.
Effect of interleukin 2, interferon-gamma, and mitogens on the production of tumor necrosis factors alpha and beta.
J Immunol (1985) 135 (4): 2492–2497.
Studies of interferon as a regulator of hematopoietic cell proliferation.
J Immunol (1985) 135 (4): 2507–2512.
A naturally occurring polyclonal B cell activator of normal and autoantibody responses.
J Immunol (1985) 135 (4): 2524–2533.
Activation of murine spleen cells by lipid A: negative modulation of lipid A mitogenic activity by O-antigen polysaccharide.
J Immunol (1985) 135 (4): 2546–2550.
Production of soluble suppressor factor by spleen cells from mice immunized with type III pneumococcal polysaccharide.
J Immunol (1985) 135 (4): 2551–2556.
Purification and partial sequence of human osteoclast-activating factor: identity with interleukin 1 beta.
J Immunol (1985) 135 (4): 2562–2568.
The effects of vasoactive intestinal peptide on human natural killer cell function.
J Immunol (1985) 135 (4): 2569–2573.
Noncovalent association of heavy and light chains of human immunoglobulins. IV. The roles of the CH1 and CL domains in idiotypic expression.
J Immunol (1985) 135 (4): 2574–2581.
Immunogenicity of a synthetic glucosyl-alpha(1,3)-glucosyl protein conjugate.
J Immunol (1985) 135 (4): 2582–2588.
Protein G: a powerful tool for binding and detection of monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies.
J Immunol (1985) 135 (4): 2589–2592.
Effect of antibody excess on the size, stoichiometry, and DNAse resistance of DNA anti-DNA immune complexes.
J Immunol (1985) 135 (4): 2593–2597.
Monoclonal antibodies to horse cytochrome c expressing four distinct idiotypes distribute among two sites on the native protein.
J Immunol (1985) 135 (4): 2609–2616.
Lipid-induced recognition of a conformational determinant (residues 65 to 83) in myelin basic protein.
J Immunol (1985) 135 (4): 2617–2622.
T cell clones to two major T cell epitopes of myoglobin: effect of I-A/I-E restriction on epitope dominance.
J Immunol (1985) 135 (4): 2628–2634.
Biochemical characterization of murine lymphoid alloantigen Ly-m20.2, a cell surface marker controlled by a gene linked to the Mls locus.
J Immunol (1985) 135 (4): 2635–2641.
Ia molecular localization of the DRw52 allodeterminant and the DRw52-like determinants defined by monoclonal antibodies.
J Immunol (1985) 135 (4): 2642–2646.
Fine specificity, structure, and proteolytic susceptibility of the human lymphocyte receptor for IgE.
J Immunol (1985) 135 (4): 2654–2660.
Complement receptor type three-dependent degradation of opsonized erythrocytes by mouse macrophages.
J Immunol (1985) 135 (4): 2668–2672.
Factor I co-factor activity of CR1 overcomes the protective effect of IgG on covalently bound C3b residues.
J Immunol (1985) 135 (4): 2673–2679.
Human follicular dendritic cells express CR1, CR2, and CR3 complement receptor antigens.
J Immunol (1985) 135 (4): 2687–2694.
Antibody-independent activation of C1, the first component of complement, by cardiolipin.
J Immunol (1985) 135 (4): 2695–2700.
Enhancement by cyclic AMP of antibody-induced suppression of the fourth component of complement.
J Immunol (1985) 135 (4): 2701–2706.
Endogenous somatostatin-like peptides of rat basophilic leukemia cells.
J Immunol (1985) 135 (4): 2707–2712.
Characterization of monoclonal antibodies to the beta-adrenergic antagonist alprenolol as models of the receptor binding site.
J Immunol (1985) 135 (4): 2713–2718.
Regulation of mediator release from mouse bone marrow-derived mast cells by glucocorticoids.
J Immunol (1985) 135 (4): 2719–2726.
Relationship among IgE-binding factors with various molecular weights.
J Immunol (1985) 135 (4): 2727–2734.
The combined action of hyaluronic acid and fibronectin stimulates neutrophil migration.
J Immunol (1985) 135 (4): 2735–2739.
Alkyl-ether phosphoglycerides influence calcium fluxes into human endothelial cells.
J Immunol (1985) 135 (4): 2748–2753.
Immunosuppressive effects of benzidine in mice: evidence of alterations in arachidonic acid metabolism.
J Immunol (1985) 135 (4): 2754–2761.
The fibrinogenolytic activity of purified tryptase from human lung mast cells.
J Immunol (1985) 135 (4): 2762–2767.
Production of the lymphokine soluble immune response suppressor (SIRS) during chronic experimental schistosomiasis mansoni.
J Immunol (1985) 135 (4): 2768–2771.
Protective monoclonal antibody against Schistosoma mansoni: antigen isolation, characterization, and suitability for active immunization.
J Immunol (1985) 135 (4): 2772–2779.
Fc gamma receptors on rat eosinophils: isotype-dependent cell activation.
J Immunol (1985) 135 (4): 2780–2784.
The mouse macrophage receptor for C3bi (CR3) is a major mechanism in the phagocytosis of Leishmania promastigotes.
J Immunol (1985) 135 (4): 2785–2789.
Ubiquity of the repetitive epitope of the CS protein in different isolates of human malaria parasites.
J Immunol (1985) 135 (4): 2790–2793.
In vitro parasite antigen-induced antibody responses in human helminth infections.
J Immunol (1985) 135 (4): 2794–2799.
Recognition of viral antigens by human influenza A virus-specific T lymphocyte clones.
J Immunol (1985) 135 (4): 2800–2804.
Isoelectric focusing of human antibody to the Haemophilus influenzae b capsular polysaccharide: restricted and identical spectrotypes in adults.
J Immunol (1985) 135 (4): 2810–2816.
Stimulation of a cell-mediated cytotoxic response to FeLV-induced T cell lymphomas in the cat.
J Immunol (1985) 135 (4): 2817–2823.
Immunity to leprosy. II. Genetic control of murine T cell proliferative responses to Mycobacterium leprae.
J Immunol (1985) 135 (4): 2824–2828.
Adoptive transfer of anti-syphilis immunity with lymphocytes from Treponema pallidum-infected guinea pigs.
J Immunol (1985) 135 (4): 2829–2834.
Molecular cloning and DNA sequence analysis of genes encoding cytotoxic T lymphocyte-defined HLA-A3 subtypes: the E1 subtype.
J Immunol (1985) 135 (4): 2835–2841.
Identical RT1 class II molecules are expressed by rat RT1m and RT1c haplotypes.
J Immunol (1985) 135 (4): 2853–2858.
The regulation of membrane-bound and secreted alpha-chain biosynthesis during the differentiation of the B cell lymphoma I.29.
J Immunol (1985) 135 (4): 2859–2864.
In vivo administration of purified human interleukin 2. II. Half life, immunologic effects, and expansion of peripheral lymphoid cells in vivo with recombinant IL 2.
M T Lotze; Y L Matory; S E Ettinghausen; A A Rayner; S O Sharrow; C A Seipp; M C Custer; S A Rosenberg
J Immunol (1985) 135 (4): 2865–2875.
Immunochemical analysis of the modulation of human melanoma-associated antigens by DNA recombinant immune interferon.
J Immunol (1985) 135 (4): 2887–2894.
Adoptive immunotherapy of a newly induced sarcoma: immunologic characteristics of effector cells.
J Immunol (1985) 135 (4): 2895–2903.
Type II collagen-reactive T cell clones from mice with collagen-induced arthritis
J Immunol (1985) 135 (4): 2904.
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