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IFN-gamma regulates the isotypes of Ig secreted during in vivo humoral immune responses.
J Immunol (1988) 140 (4): 1022–1027.
Expression of a 33-kDa antigen Tm 1 on lymphocyte surface after modulation of cell surface antigens by IgM monoclonal antibody.
J Immunol (1988) 140 (4): 1028–1033.
Characterization of an anti-Ly-6 monoclonal antibody which defines and activates cytolytic T lymphocytes.
J Immunol (1988) 140 (4): 1034–1042.
Regulation of the CD2 alternate pathway of T cell activation by CD3. Evidence for heterologous desensitization.
J Immunol (1988) 140 (4): 1043–1046.
T cell recognition of fibrinogen. A determinant on the A alpha-chain does not require processing.
J Immunol (1988) 140 (4): 1063–1068.
Processing by accessory cells for presentation to murine T cells of apamin, a disulfide-bonded 18 amino acid peptide.
J Immunol (1988) 140 (4): 1069–1075.
The biologic activity of anti-T cell receptor V region monoclonal antibodies is determined by the epitope recognized.
J Immunol (1988) 140 (4): 1081–1088.
Proliferation and production of IL-2 and B cell stimulatory factor 1/IL-4 in early fetal thymocytes by activation through Thy-1 and CD3.
J Immunol (1988) 140 (4): 1089–1094.
Evidence for an intracellular pool of a migration inhibitory factor-associated, activation antigen of human mononuclear phagocytes, Mo3e.
J Immunol (1988) 140 (4): 1095–1100.
B cell stimulatory factor 1 (IL-4) enhances the development of cytotoxic T cells from Lyt-2+ resting murine T lymphocytes.
J Immunol (1988) 140 (4): 1101–1106.
Functional reactivity of WT31 monoclonal antibody with T cell receptor-gamma expressing CD3+4-8- T cells.
J Immunol (1988) 140 (4): 1107–1110.
IFN-gamma induces islet cell MHC antigens and enhances autoimmune, streptozotocin-induced diabetes in the mouse.
J Immunol (1988) 140 (4): 1111–1116.
Characterization of a promonocyte clone chronically infected with HIV and inducible by 13-phorbol-12-myristate acetate.
J Immunol (1988) 140 (4): 1117–1122.
Evolution of B cell lineage lymphomas in mice with a retrovirus-induced immunodeficiency syndrome, MAIDS.
J Immunol (1988) 140 (4): 1123–1131.
Antigen-specific inhibition of immune interferon production by suppressor cells of autoimmune encephalomyelitis.
J Immunol (1988) 140 (4): 1132–1138.
Soluble IL-2 receptor levels in serum from blood donors seropositive for HIV.
J Immunol (1988) 140 (4): 1139–1141.
Plasma membrane-associated tumor necrosis factor. A non-integral membrane protein possibly bound to its own receptor.
J Immunol (1988) 140 (4): 1142–1147.
Lack of an obligate role for IFN-gamma in the primary in vitro mixed lymphocyte response.
J Immunol (1988) 140 (4): 1148–1152.
Purification and partial sequence of rabbit polymorphonuclear leukocyte-derived lymphocyte proliferation potentiating factor resembling IL-1 beta.
J Immunol (1988) 140 (4): 1153–1158.
Production of two hemopoietic growth factors is differentially regulated in single T lymphocytes activated with an anti-T cell receptor antibody.
J Immunol (1988) 140 (4): 1159–1167.
Both B151-T cell replacing factor 1 and IL-5 regulate Ig secretion and IL-2 receptor expression on a cloned B lymphoma line.
K Nakanishi; T Yoshimoto; Y Katoh; S Ono; K Matsui; K Hiroishi; T Noma; T Honjo; K Takatsu; K Higashino
J Immunol (1988) 140 (4): 1168–1174.
Molecular properties and regulation of mRNA expression for murine T cell-replacing factor/IL-5.
J Immunol (1988) 140 (4): 1175–1181.
Monoclonal antipeptide antibodies recognize IL-3 and neutralize its bioactivity in vivo.
J Immunol (1988) 140 (4): 1182–1187.
Characterization of prion proteins with monospecific antisera to synthetic peptides.
J Immunol (1988) 140 (4): 1188–1193.
A novel guinea pig macrophage-specific polymorphic molecule. I. Biochemistry, genetics, and tissue distribution.
J Immunol (1988) 140 (4): 1198–1205.
A novel guinea pig macrophage-specific polymorphic molecule. II. Biochemical analysis of the polymorphism.
J Immunol (1988) 140 (4): 1206–1211.
Sequences of the VH and VL regions of murine monoclonal antibodies against 3-fucosyllactosamine.
J Immunol (1988) 140 (4): 1212–1217.
Nonimmune binding of Ig to Clostridium perfringens. Preferential binding of IgM and aggregated IgG.
J Immunol (1988) 140 (4): 1223–1227.
Identification of a C3b/iC3 binding protein of rabbit platelets and leukocytes. A CR1-like candidate for the immune adherence receptor.
J Immunol (1988) 140 (4): 1228–1235.
Regulation of synthesis of macrophage adhesion molecule, a heterodimeric membrane glycoprotein.
J Immunol (1988) 140 (4): 1244–1249.
Toxic shock syndrome toxin-1 induces inositol phospholipid turnover, protein kinase C translocation, and calcium mobilization in human T cells.
J Immunol (1988) 140 (4): 1250–1255.
Cytochalasin stimulates phosphoinositide metabolism in murine B lymphocytes.
J Immunol (1988) 140 (4): 1256–1258.
Protein kinase C inhibitors block the activation of macrophages by IFN-beta but not by IFN-gamma.
J Immunol (1988) 140 (4): 1259–1263.
HA2 subunit of influenza A H1 and H2 subtype viruses induces a protective cross-reactive cytotoxic T lymphocyte response.
J Immunol (1988) 140 (4): 1264–1268.
Suppression of T lymphocyte function by measles virus is due to cell cycle arrest in G1.
J Immunol (1988) 140 (4): 1269–1273.
Effective immunization against cutaneous leishmaniasis with defined membrane antigens reconstituted into liposomes.
J Immunol (1988) 140 (4): 1274–1279.
Expression of class I HLA genes by trophoblast cells. Analysis by in situ hybridization.
J Immunol (1988) 140 (4): 1293–1299.
Inducible expression of transfected kappa light chains by lipopolysaccharide and IFN-gamma in the murine B lymphoma, 70Z/3.
J Immunol (1988) 140 (4): 1312–1320.
Molecular cloning of the murine homologue of CD2. Homology of the molecule to its human counterpart T11.
J Immunol (1988) 140 (4): 1321–1326.
B lymphoblastoid cell lines with rearranged T cell receptor beta-chain genes retain conventional B cell surface antigen and Ig expression.
J Immunol (1988) 140 (4): 1327–1334.
Monoclonal antibody against IFN-gamma inhibits Moloney murine sarcoma virus-specific cytotoxic T lymphocyte differentiation.
J Immunol (1988) 140 (4): 1341–1344.
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