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1 September 2001
ISSN 0022-1767
EISSN 1550-6606
Cutting Edge: Culture with High Doses of Viral Peptide Induces Previously Unprimed CD8+ T Cells to Produce Cytokine1
J Immunol (2001) 167 (5): 2437–2440.
Cutting Edge: Dichotomy of Homing Receptor Dependence by Mucosal Effector B Cells: αE Versus L-Selectin1
J Immunol (2001) 167 (5): 2441–2445.
Cutting Edge: Myeloid Complement C3 Enhances the Humoral Response To Peripheral Viral Infection1
J Immunol (2001) 167 (5): 2446–2451.
Technical Note: Linkage Disequilibrium and Disease-Associated CTLA4 Gene Polymorphisms
J Immunol (2001) 167 (5): 2457–2458.
A CD19-Dependent Signaling Pathway Regulates Autoimmunity in Lyn-Deficient Mice1
Minoru Hasegawa; Manabu Fujimoto; Jonathan C. Poe; Douglas A. Steeber; Clifford A. Lowell; Thomas F. Tedder
J Immunol (2001) 167 (5): 2469–2478.
The TNF Superfamily Members LIGHT and CD154 (CD40 Ligand) Costimulate Induction of Dendritic Cell Maturation and Elicit Specific CTL Activity1
J Immunol (2001) 167 (5): 2479–2486.
IFN-γ Induces the Apoptosis of WEHI 279 and Normal Pre-B Cell Lines by Expressing Direct Inhibitor of Apoptosis Protein Binding Protein with Low pI
J Immunol (2001) 167 (5): 2487–2495.
Expression of α4β7 Integrin Defines a Distinct Pathway of Lymphoid Progenitors Committed to T Cells, Fetal Intestinal Lymphotoxin Producer, NK, and Dendritic Cells1
Hisahiro Yoshida; Hiroshi Kawamoto; Sybil M. Santee; Hiroyuki Hashi; Kenya Honda; Satomi Nishikawa; Carl F. Ware; Yoshimoto Katsura; Shin-Ichi Nishikawa
J Immunol (2001) 167 (5): 2511–2521.
Longevity of Antigen Presentation and Activation Status of APC Are Decisive Factors in the Balance Between CTL Immunity Versus Tolerance1
Annemieke Th. den Boer; Linda Diehl; Geertje J. D. van Mierlo; Ellen I. H. van der Voort; Marieke F. Fransen; Paul Krimpenfort; Cornelis J. M. Melief; Rienk Offringa; René E. M. Toes
J Immunol (2001) 167 (5): 2522–2528.
Exogenous Peptides Presented by Transporter Associated with Antigen Processing (TAP)-Deficient and TAP-Competent Cells: Intracellular Loading and Kinetics of Presentation1
Thomas Luft; Mark Rizkalla; Tsin Yee Tai; Qiyuan Chen; Roderick I. MacFarlan; Ian D. Davis; Eugene Maraskovsky; Jonathan Cebon
J Immunol (2001) 167 (5): 2529–2537.
Neutrophils Process Exogenous Bacteria Via an Alternate Class I MHC Processing Pathway for Presentation of Peptides to T Lymphocytes1
J Immunol (2001) 167 (5): 2538–2546.
Bidirectional Negative Regulation of Human T and Dendritic Cells by CD47 and Its Cognate Receptor Signal-Regulator Protein-α: Down-Regulation of IL-12 Responsiveness and Inhibition of Dendritic Cell Activation1
Sylvain Latour; Hiroyuki Tanaka; Christian Demeure; Véronique Mateo; Manuel Rubio; Eric J. Brown; Charles Maliszewski; Frederik P. Lindberg; Anna Oldenborg; Axel Ullrich; Guy Delespesse; Marika Sarfati
J Immunol (2001) 167 (5): 2547–2554.
Antigen-Specific Blockade of T Cells In Vivo Using Dimeric MHC Peptide1
Sean M. O’Herrin; Jill E. Slansky; Q. Tang; Mary A. Markiewicz; Thomas F. Gajewski; Drew M. Pardoll; Jonathan P. Schneck; Jeffrey A. Bluestone
J Immunol (2001) 167 (5): 2555–2560.
MHC Class I Allele Dosage Alters CD8 Expression by Intestinal Intraepithelial Lymphocytes1
J Immunol (2001) 167 (5): 2561–2568.
Peptide Requirement for CTL Activation Reflects the Sensitivity to CD3 Engagement: Correlation with CD8αβ Versus CD8αα Expression1
J Immunol (2001) 167 (5): 2577–2584.
Inhibition of Activated/Memory (CD45RO+) T Cells by Oxidative Stress Associated with Block of NF-κB Activation1
Karl-Johan Malmberg; Velmurugesan Arulampalam; Fumiko Ichihara; Max Petersson; Kazutake Seki; Tove Andersson; Rodica Lenkei; Giuseppe Masucci; Sven Pettersson; Rolf Kiessling
J Immunol (2001) 167 (5): 2595–2601.
Genomic DNA Released by Dying Cells Induces the Maturation of APCs1 2
Ken J. Ishii; Koichi Suzuki; Cevayir Coban; Fumihiko Takeshita; Yasushi Itoh; Hana Matoba; Leonard D. Kohn; Dennis M. Klinman
J Immunol (2001) 167 (5): 2602–2607.
Efficient Presentation of Both Cytosolic and Endogenous Transmembrane Protein Antigens on MHC Class II Is Dependent on Cytoplasmic Proteolysis1
Paushali Mukherjee; Aadish Dani; Sumeena Bhatia; Nagendra Singh; Alexander Y. Rudensky; Anna George; Vineeta Bal; Satyajit Mayor; Satyajit Rath
J Immunol (2001) 167 (5): 2632–2641.
Cellular Localization and Functional Role of Phosphatidylcholine-Specific Phospholipase C in NK Cells
J Immunol (2001) 167 (5): 2642–2650.
Intestinal Macrophages Lack CD14 and CD89 and Consequently Are Down-Regulated for LPS- and IgA-Mediated Activities1
Phillip D. Smith; Lesley E. Smythies; Meg Mosteller-Barnum; Don A. Sibley; Michael W. Russell; Michael Merger; Marty T. Sellers; Jan M. Orenstein; Toshihide Shimada; Martin F. Graham; Hiromi Kubagawa
J Immunol (2001) 167 (5): 2651–2656.
Abnormal T Cell Receptor Signal Transduction of CD4 Th Cells in X-Linked Lymphoproliferative Syndrome1
J Immunol (2001) 167 (5): 2657–2665.
Progressive Depletion of Peripheral B Lymphocytes in 4-1BB (CD137) Ligand/I-Eα-Transgenic Mice1
J Immunol (2001) 167 (5): 2671–2676.
Inhibition of NFATx Activation by an Oligopeptide: Disrupting the Interaction of NFATx with Calcineurin1
J Immunol (2001) 167 (5): 2677–2687.
Immunomodulation of Experimental Autoimmune Encephalomyelitis with Ordered Peptides Based on MHC-TCR Binding Motifs1
Pedro J. Ruiz; Jason J. DeVoss; Louis-Vu T. Nguyen; Paulo P. Fontoura; David L. Hirschberg; Dennis J. Mitchell; K. Christopher Garcia; Lawrence Steinman
J Immunol (2001) 167 (5): 2688–2693.
Identification, Cloning, and Recombinant Expression of Procalin, a Major Triatomine Allergen1
Christopher D. Paddock; James H. McKerrow; Elizabeth Hansell; K. W. Foreman; Ivy Hsieh; Neal Marshall
J Immunol (2001) 167 (5): 2694–2699.
Negative Regulation of the NFAT1 Factor by CD45: Implication in HIV-1 Long Terminal Repeat Activation1
J Immunol (2001) 167 (5): 2700–2713.
Phosphatidylinositol 3-Kinase Potentiates, but Does Not Trigger, T Cell Proliferation Mediated by the IL-2 Receptor1
J Immunol (2001) 167 (5): 2714–2723.
Monomorphic Molecules Function as Additional Recognition Structures on Haptenated Target Cells for HLA-A1-Restricted, Hapten-Specific CTL1
J Immunol (2001) 167 (5): 2724–2733.
Vpr Is Preferentially Targeted by CTL During HIV-1 Infection1
Marcus Altfeld; Marylyn M. Addo; Robert L. Eldridge; Xu G. Yu; Seddon Thomas; Ashok Khatri; Daryld Strick; Mary N. Phillips; George B. Cohen; Sabina A. Islam; Spyros A. Kalams; Christian Brander; Philip J. R. Goulder; Eric S. Rosenberg; Bruce D. Walker; the HIV Study Collaboration
J Immunol (2001) 167 (5): 2743–2752.
Concurrent Naive and Memory CD8+ T Cell Responses to an Influenza A Virus1
J Immunol (2001) 167 (5): 2753–2758.
HIV-1 Tat Induces Microvascular Endothelial Apoptosis Through Caspase Activation1
J Immunol (2001) 167 (5): 2766–2771.
Lipoxin A4 and Aspirin-Triggered 15-Epi-Lipoxin A4 Antagonize TNF-α-Stimulated Neutrophil-Enterocyte Interactions In Vitro and Attenuate TNF-α-Induced Chemokine Release and Colonocyte Apoptosis in Human Intestinal Mucosa Ex Vivo1
Jason Goh; Alan W. Baird; Conor O’Keane; R. William G. Watson; David Cottell; Giovanni Bernasconi; Nicos A. Petasis; Catherine Godson; Hugh R. Brady; Padraic MacMathuna
J Immunol (2001) 167 (5): 2772–2780.
Increased Susceptibility of Decay-Accelerating Factor Deficient Mice to Anti-Glomerular Basement Membrane Glomerulonephritis1
Hajime Sogabe; Masaomi Nangaku; Yoshitaka Ishibashi; Takehiko Wada; Toshiro Fujita; Xiujun Sun; Takashi Miwa; Michael P. Madaio; Wen-Chao Song
J Immunol (2001) 167 (5): 2791–2797.
Murine Cytomegalovirus Infection Alters Th1/Th2 Cytokine Expression, Decreases Airway Eosinophilia, and Enhances Mucus Production in Allergic Airway Disease1
Carol A. Wu; Lynn Puddington; Herbert E. Whiteley; Carmen A. Yiamouyiannis; Craig M. Schramm; Fusaini Mohammadu; Roger S. Thrall
J Immunol (2001) 167 (5): 2798–2807.
IL-8 Released Constitutively by Primary Bronchial Epithelial Cells in Culture Forms an Inactive Complex with Secretory Component1
J Immunol (2001) 167 (5): 2816–2823.
A Novel Function of Phosphorothioate Oligodeoxynucleotides as Chemoattractants for Primary Macrophages1
J Immunol (2001) 167 (5): 2847–2854.
IL-13 and IL-4 Up-Regulate Cysteinyl Leukotriene 1 Receptor Expression in Human Monocytes and Macrophages1
J Immunol (2001) 167 (5): 2855–2860.
Human IgA Activates the Complement System Via the Mannan-Binding Lectin Pathway1
Anja Roos; Lee H. Bouwman; Daniëlle J. van Gijlswijk-Janssen; Maria C. Faber-Krol; Gregory L. Stahl; Mohamed R. Daha
J Immunol (2001) 167 (5): 2861–2868.
Fibrinogen Induces IL-8 Synthesis in Human Neutrophils Stimulated with Formyl-Methionyl-Leucyl-Phenylalanine or Leukotriene B41
J Immunol (2001) 167 (5): 2869–2878.
A Role for IL-18 in Neutrophil Activation1
Bernard P. Leung; Shauna Culshaw; J. Alastair Gracie; David Hunter; Claudio A. Canetti; Carol Campbell; Fernando Cunha; Foo Y. Liew; Iain B. McInnes
J Immunol (2001) 167 (5): 2879–2886.
Fibrinogen Stimulates Macrophage Chemokine Secretion Through Toll-Like Receptor 41
J Immunol (2001) 167 (5): 2887–2894.
Bystander Activation Involving T Lymphocytes in Herpetic Stromal Keratitis1
Shilpa Deshpande; Mei Zheng; Sujin Lee; Kaustuv Banerjee; Shivaprakash Gangappa; Udayasankar Kumaraguru; Barry T. Rouse
J Immunol (2001) 167 (5): 2902–2910.
Methotrexate Suppresses NF-κB Activation Through Inhibition of IκBα Phosphorylation and Degradation1
J Immunol (2001) 167 (5): 2911–2920.
Lactoferrin Binds CpG-Containing Oligonucleotides and Inhibits Their Immunostimulatory Effects on Human B Cells1
J Immunol (2001) 167 (5): 2921–2928.
Enhanced Dendritic Cell-Driven Proliferation and Anti-HIV Activity of CD8+ T Cells by a New Phenothiazine Derivative, Aminoperazine1
J Immunol (2001) 167 (5): 2929–2935.
Accumulation and Activation-Induced Release of Preformed Fas (CD95) Ligand During the Pathogenesis of Experimental Graft-Versus-Host Disease1
Christoph Wasem; Corina Frutschi; Diana Arnold; Claudio Vallan; Tesu Lin; Douglas R. Green; Christoph Mueller; Thomas Brunner
J Immunol (2001) 167 (5): 2936–2941.
Prevention of Experimental Autoimmune Encephalomyelitis in the Common Marmoset (Callithrix jacchus) Using a Chimeric Antagonist Monoclonal Antibody Against Human CD40 Is Associated with Altered B Cell Responses1
Louis Boon; Herbert P. M. Brok; Jan Bauer; Antonio Ortiz-Buijsse; Marc M. Schellekens; Seema Ramdien-Murli; Erwin Blezer; Marjan van Meurs; Jan Ceuppens; Mark de Boer; Bert A. ’t Hart; Jon D. Laman
J Immunol (2001) 167 (5): 2942–2949.
Plasmid Vaccination with Insulin B Chain Prevents Autoimmune Diabetes in Nonobese Diabetic Mice1
Adrian Bot; Dan Smith; Simona Bot; Anna Hughes; Tom Wolfe; Lilin Wang; Catherine Woods; Matthias von Herrath
J Immunol (2001) 167 (5): 2950–2955.
Immunoreactivity of Organic Mimeotopes of the E2 Component of Pyruvate Dehydrogenase: Connecting Xenobiotics with Primary Biliary Cirrhosis1
S. Alice Long; Chao Quan; Judy Van de Water; Michael H. Nantz; Mark J. Kurth; Daniel Barsky; Michael E. Colvin; Kit S. Lam; Ross L. Coppel; Aftab Ansari; M. Eric Gershwin
J Immunol (2001) 167 (5): 2956–2963.
Absence of Macrophage-Inflammatory Protein-1α Delays Central Nervous System Demyelination in the Presence of an Intact Blood-Brain Barrier1
J Immunol (2001) 167 (5): 2964–2971.
Predominant Th2/Tc2 Polarity of Tumor-Infiltrating Lymphocytes in Human Cervical Cancer1
J Immunol (2001) 167 (5): 2972–2978.
Critical Involvement of OX40 Ligand Signals in the T Cell Priming Events During Experimental Autoimmune Encephalomyelitis1
J Immunol (2001) 167 (5): 2991–2999.
Control of the Autoimmune Response by Type 2 Nitric Oxide Synthase1 2
Fu-Dong Shi; Malin Flodström; Soon Ha Kim; Shyam Pakala; Mary Cleary; Hans-Gustaf Ljunggren; Nora Sarvetnick
J Immunol (2001) 167 (5): 3000–3006.
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