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1 August 2013
ISSN 0022-1767
EISSN 1550-6606
In this Issue
Pillars Article: Kinetic Differences in Unresponsiveness of Thymus and Bone Marrow Cells. Science. 1971. 171: 813-815
J Immunol (2013) 191 (3): 989–991.
Antibody Polyreactivity in Health and Disease: Statu Variabilis
Jordan D. Dimitrov; Cyril Planchais; Lubka T. Roumenina; Tchavdar L. Vassilev; Srinivas V. Kaveri; Sebastien Lacroix-Desmazes
J Immunol (2013) 191 (3): 993–999.
Cutting Edge: Heterosubtypic Influenza Infection Antagonizes Elicitation of Immunological Reactivity to Hemagglutinin
J Immunol (2013) 191 (3): 1001–1005.
Cutting Edge: The NLRP3 Inflammasome Links Complement-Mediated Inflammation and IL-1β Release
Federica Laudisi; Roberto Spreafico; Maximilien Evrard; Timothy R. Hughes; Barbara Mandriani; Matheswaran Kandasamy; B. Paul Morgan; Baalasubramanian Sivasankar; Alessandra Mortellaro
J Immunol (2013) 191 (3): 1006–1010.
Cutting Edge: IL-12 and Type I IFN Differentially Program CD8 T Cells for Programmed Death 1 Re-expression Levels and Tumor Control
J Immunol (2013) 191 (3): 1011–1015.
Cutting Edge: Direct Recognition of Infected Cells by CD4 T Cells Is Required for Control of Intracellular Mycobacterium tuberculosis In Vivo
J Immunol (2013) 191 (3): 1016–1020.
Deficiency of Phospholipase A2 Receptor Exacerbates Ovalbumin-Induced Lung Inflammation
Shun Tamaru; Hideto Mishina; Yosuke Watanabe; Kazuhiro Watanabe; Daisuke Fujioka; Soichiro Takahashi; Koji Suzuki; Takamitsu Nakamura; Jun-ei Obata; Kenichi Kawabata; Yasunori Yokota; Makoto Murakami; Kohji Hanasaki; Kiyotaka Kugiyama
J Immunol (2013) 191 (3): 1021–1028.
Macrophage Migration Inhibitory Factor Potentiates Autoimmune-Mediated Neuroinflammation
Gina Mavrikis Cox; Aaron P. Kithcart; David Pitt; Zhen Guan; Jessica Alexander; Jessica L. Williams; Todd Shawler; Nilesh M. Dagia; Phillip G. Popovich; Abhay R. Satoskar; Caroline C. Whitacre
J Immunol (2013) 191 (3): 1043–1054.
Macrophage Scavenger Receptor 1 (Msr1, SR-A) Influences B Cell Autoimmunity by Regulating Soluble Autoantigen Concentration
Stefanie Haasken; Jennifer L. Auger; Justin J. Taylor; Patricia M. Hobday; Brian D. Goudy; Philip J. Titcombe; Daniel L. Mueller; Bryce A. Binstadt
J Immunol (2013) 191 (3): 1055–1062.
Myeloid-Derived Suppressor Cells Play Crucial Roles in the Regulation of Mouse Collagen-Induced Arthritis
Wataru Fujii; Eishi Ashihara; Hideyo Hirai; Hidetake Nagahara; Naoko Kajitani; Kazuki Fujioka; Ken Murakami; Takahiro Seno; Aihiro Yamamoto; Hidetaka Ishino; Masataka Kohno; Taira Maekawa; Yutaka Kawahito
J Immunol (2013) 191 (3): 1073–1081.
Censoring of Self-Reactive B Cells by Follicular Dendritic Cell–Displayed Self-Antigen
Irene W. Yau; Matthew H. Cato; Julia Jellusova; Tatiana Hurtado de Mendoza; Robert Brink; Robert C. Rickert
J Immunol (2013) 191 (3): 1082–1090.
The Encephalitogenic, Human Myelin Oligodendrocyte Glycoprotein–Induced Antibody Repertoire Is Directed toward Multiple Epitopes in C57BL/6-Immunized Mice
Pankaj Bansal; Tarique Khan; Uta Bussmeyer; Dilip K. Challa; Rafal Swiercz; Ramraj Velmurugan; Raimund J. Ober; E. Sally Ward
J Immunol (2013) 191 (3): 1091–1101.
Intra-Amniotic IL-1β Induces Fetal Inflammation in Rhesus Monkeys and Alters the Regulatory T Cell/IL-17 Balance
Suhas G. Kallapur; Pietro Presicce; Paranthaman Senthamaraikannan; Manuel Alvarez; Alice F. Tarantal; Lisa M. Miller; Alan H. Jobe; Claire A. Chougnet
J Immunol (2013) 191 (3): 1102–1109.
Comparison of Induced versus Natural Regulatory T Cells of the Same TCR Specificity for Induction of Tolerance to an Environmental Antigen
J Immunol (2013) 191 (3): 1136–1143.
Antiviral Vaccines License T Cell Responses by Suppressing Granzyme B Levels in Human Plasmacytoid Dendritic Cells
Dorit Fabricius; Benedikt Nußbaum; Daniel Busch; Verena Panitz; Birgit Mandel; Angelika Vollmer; Mike-Andrew Westhoff; Christof Kaltenmeier; Oleg Lunov; Kyrylo Tron; G. Ulrich Nienhaus; Bernd Jahrsdörfer; Klaus-Michael Debatin
J Immunol (2013) 191 (3): 1144–1153.
The Role of JAK-3 in Regulating TLR-Mediated Inflammatory Cytokine Production in Innate Immune Cells
Huizhi Wang; Jonathan Brown; Shegan Gao; Shuang Liang; Ravi Jotwani; Huaxin Zhou; Jill Suttles; David A. Scott; Richard J. Lamont
J Immunol (2013) 191 (3): 1164–1174.
Th17 Cells Induce Th1-Polarizing Monocyte-Derived Dendritic Cells
Matthew G. Davidson; Michael N. Alonso; Robert Yuan; Robert C. Axtell; Justin A. Kenkel; Megan M. Suhoski; Joseph C. González; Lawrence Steinman; Edgar G. Engleman
J Immunol (2013) 191 (3): 1175–1187.
Dendritic Cells Regulate High-Speed Interstitial T Cell Migration in the Lymph Node via LFA-1/ICAM-1
J Immunol (2013) 191 (3): 1188–1199.
Thymocyte Selection Regulates the Homeostasis of IL-7–Expressing Thymic Cortical Epithelial Cells In Vivo
J Immunol (2013) 191 (3): 1200–1209.
Increased ID2 Levels in Adult Precursor B Cells as Compared with Children Is Associated with Impaired Ig Locus Contraction and Decreased Bone Marrow Output
Kristin Jensen; Magdalena B. Rother; Berit Sletbakk Brusletto; Ole K. Olstad; Hans Christian Dalsbotten Aass; Menno C. van Zelm; Peter Kierulf; Kaare M. Gautvik
J Immunol (2013) 191 (3): 1210–1219.
The Archaic Roles of the Amphioxus NF-κB/IκB Complex in Innate Immune Responses
Shaochun Yuan; Jie Zhang; Lingling Zhang; Ling Huang; Jian Peng; Shengfeng Huang; Shangwu Chen; Anlong Xu
J Immunol (2013) 191 (3): 1220–1230.
Neonatal Follicular Th Cell Responses Are Impaired and Modulated by IL-4
Isabelle Debock; Kathy Jaworski; Hanan Chadlaoui; Sandrine Delbauve; Nicolas Passon; Laure Twyffels; Oberdan Leo; Véronique Flamand
J Immunol (2013) 191 (3): 1231–1239.
T Cell–Dependent IgM Memory B Cells Generated during Bacterial Infection Are Required for IgG Responses to Antigen Challenge
J Immunol (2013) 191 (3): 1240–1249.
Depletion of Alveolar Macrophages during Influenza Infection Facilitates Bacterial Superinfections
J Immunol (2013) 191 (3): 1250–1259.
Common Tolerance Mechanisms, but Distinct Cross-Reactivities Associated with gp41 and Lipids, Limit Production of HIV-1 Broad Neutralizing Antibodies 2F5 and 4E10
Yao Chen; Jinsong Zhang; Kwan-Ki Hwang; Hilary Bouton-Verville; Shi-Mao Xia; Amanda Newman; Ying-Bin Ouyang; Barton F. Haynes; Laurent Verkoczy
J Immunol (2013) 191 (3): 1260–1275.
Francisella tularensis SchuS4 and SchuS4 Lipids Inhibit IL-12p40 in Primary Human Dendritic Cells by Inhibition of IRF1 and IRF8
J Immunol (2013) 191 (3): 1276–1286.
Corticosteroids Block Autophagy Protein Recruitment in Aspergillus fumigatus Phagosomes via Targeting Dectin-1/Syk Kinase Signaling
Irene Kyrmizi; Mark S. Gresnigt; Tonia Akoumianaki; George Samonis; Prodromos Sidiropoulos; Dimitrios Boumpas; Mihai G. Netea; Frank L. van de Veerdonk; Dimitrios P. Kontoyiannis; Georgios Chamilos
J Immunol (2013) 191 (3): 1287–1299.
Differential Impact of Age and Cytomegalovirus Infection on the γδ T Cell Compartment
Antoine Roux; Gisèle Mourin; Martin Larsen; Solène Fastenackels; Alejandra Urrutia; Guy Gorochov; Brigitte Autran; Catherine Donner; Daniel Sidi; Joyce Sibony-Prat; Arnaud Marchant; Marc Stern; Delphine Sauce; Victor Appay
J Immunol (2013) 191 (3): 1300–1306.
Overexpression of CREMα in T Cells Aggravates Lipopolysaccharide-Induced Acute Lung Injury
Eva Verjans; Kim Ohl; Yin Yu; Ralph Lippe; Angela Schippers; Anastasia Wiener; Johannes Roth; Norbert Wagner; Stefan Uhlig; Klaus Tenbrock; Christian Martin
J Immunol (2013) 191 (3): 1316–1323.
Essential Requirements of Zoledronate-Induced Cytokine and γδ T Cell Proliferative Responses
J Immunol (2013) 191 (3): 1346–1355.
Adipocytes Modulate the Phenotype of Human Macrophages through Secreted Lipids
Inge R. Klein-Wieringa; Stefan N. Andersen; Joanneke C. Kwekkeboom; Martin Giera; Badelog J. E. de Lange-Brokaar; Gerjo J. V. M. van Osch; Anne-Marie Zuurmond; Vedrana Stojanovic-Susulic; Rob G. H. H. Nelissen; Hanno Pijl; Tom W. J. Huizinga; Margreet Kloppenburg; René E’. M. Toes; Andreea Ioan-Facsinay
J Immunol (2013) 191 (3): 1356–1363.
Histamine H2 Receptor Signaling in the Pathogenesis of Sepsis: Studies in a Murine Diabetes Model
Daniela Carlos; Fernando Spiller; Fabrício O. Souto; Silvia C. Trevelin; Vanessa F. Borges; Andressa de Freitas; José C. Alves-Filho; João S. Silva; Bernhard Ryffel; Fernando Q. Cunha
J Immunol (2013) 191 (3): 1373–1382.
Increased Saturated Fatty Acids in Obesity Alter Resolution of Inflammation in Part by Stimulating Prostaglandin Production
J Immunol (2013) 191 (3): 1383–1392.
Mast Cell–Restricted, Tetramer-Forming Tryptases Induce Aggrecanolysis in Articular Cartilage by Activating Matrix Metalloproteinase-3 and -13 Zymogens
Natalia J. Magarinos; Katherine J. Bryant; Amanda J. Fosang; Roberto Adachi; Richard L. Stevens; H. Patrick McNeil
J Immunol (2013) 191 (3): 1404–1412.
Antibody and Antigen Contact Residues Define Epitope and Paratope Size and Structure
J Immunol (2013) 191 (3): 1428–1435.
Y14 Positively Regulates TNF-α–Induced NF-κB Transcriptional Activity via Interacting RIP1 and TRADD Beyond an Exon Junction Complex Protein
Sumihito Togi; Kaname Shiga; Ryuta Muromoto; Masaya Kato; Yuki Souma; Yuichi Sekine; Shigeyuki Kon; Kenji Oritani; Tadashi Matsuda
J Immunol (2013) 191 (3): 1436–1444.
Active Caspase-3 Is Stored within Secretory Compartments of Viable Mast Cells
J Immunol (2013) 191 (3): 1445–1452.
Pulmonary Expression of Oncostatin M (OSM) Promotes Inducible BALT Formation Independently of IL-6, Despite a Role for IL-6 in OSM-Driven Pulmonary Inflammation
Fernando M. Botelho; Javier Rangel-Moreno; Dominik Fritz; Troy D. Randall; Zhou Xing; Carl D. Richards
J Immunol (2013) 191 (3): 1453–1464.
A Diametric Role for OX40 in the Response of Effector/Memory CD4+ T Cells and Regulatory T Cells to Alloantigen
J Immunol (2013) 191 (3): 1465–1475.
Role of IRF4 in IFN-Stimulated Gene Induction and Maintenance of Kaposi Sarcoma–Associated Herpesvirus Latency in Primary Effusion Lymphoma Cells
J Immunol (2013) 191 (3): 1476–1485.
Tumor-Derived Lactate Modifies Antitumor Immune Response: Effect on Myeloid-Derived Suppressor Cells and NK Cells
J Immunol (2013) 191 (3): 1486–1495.
Cover Image
Cover Image
On the cover: Cerebellar 30-μm free-floating section from an EAE-affected mouse stained with Abs against calbindin (brown) to visualize Purkinje cells. Garcia, J. A., P. A. Pino, M. Mizutani, S. M. Cardona, I. F. Charo, R. M. Ransohoff, T. G. Forsthuber, and A. E. Cardona. 2013. Regulation of adaptive immunity by the fractalkine receptor during autoimmune inflammation. J. Immunol. 191: 1063–1072. - PDF Icon PDF LinkFront Matter
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