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1 January 2019
ISSN 0022-1767
EISSN 1550-6606
In this Issue
Attracting Attention: Discovery of IL-8/CXCL8 and the Birth of the Chemokine Field
J Immunol (2019) 202 (1): 3–4.
Pillars Article: Purification of a Human Monocyte-Derived Neutrophil Chemotactic Factor That Has Peptide Sequence Similarity to Other Host Defense Cytokines. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 1987. 84: 9233–9237
Teizo Yoshimura; Kouji Matsushima; Shuji Tanaka; Elizabeth A. Robinson; Ettore Appella; Joost J. Oppenheim; Edward J. Leonard
J Immunol (2019) 202 (1): 5–9.
The Next Generation of Immunotherapy for Cancer: Small Molecules Could Make Big Waves
J Immunol (2019) 202 (1): 11–19.
Designer Parasites: Genetically Engineered Plasmodium as Vaccines To Prevent Malaria Infection
J Immunol (2019) 202 (1): 20–28.
Cutting Edge: Dynamic Expression of Id3 Defines the Stepwise Differentiation of Tissue-Resident Regulatory T Cells
J Immunol (2019) 202 (1): 31–36.
TGF-β Upregulated Mitochondria Mass through the SMAD2/3→C/EBPβ→PRMT1 Signal Pathway in Primary Human Lung Fibroblasts
J Immunol (2019) 202 (1): 37–47.
Siglec-1 Macrophages and the Contribution of IFN to the Development of Autoimmune Congenital Heart Block
J Immunol (2019) 202 (1): 48–55.
Perivascular Adventitial Fibroblast Specialization Accompanies T Cell Retention in the Inflamed Human Dermis
Alexander M. S. Barron; Julio C. Mantero; Jonathan D. Ho; Banafsheh Nazari; Katharine L. Horback; Jag Bhawan; Robert Lafyatis; Christina Lam; Jeffrey L. Browning
J Immunol (2019) 202 (1): 56–68.
Hippo Pathway Kinase Mst1 Is Required for Long-Lived Humoral Immunity
Sahar Bagherzadeh Yazdchi; Mariko Witalis; Alexandre P. Meli; Joanne Leung; Xin Li; Vincent Panneton; Jinsam Chang; Joanna Li; Stephen L. Nutt; Randy L. Johnson; Dae-Sik Lim; Hua Gu; Irah L. King; Woong-Kyung Suh
J Immunol (2019) 202 (1): 69–78.
RORγt Represses IL-10 Production in Th17 Cells To Maintain Their Pathogenicity in Inducing Intestinal Inflammation
Mingming Sun; Chong He; Liang Chen; Wenjing Yang; Wei Wu; Feidi Chen; Anthony T. Cao; Suxia Yao; Sara M. Dann; T. G. Murali Dhar; Luisa Salter-Cid; Qihong Zhao; Zhanju Liu; Yingzi Cong
J Immunol (2019) 202 (1): 79–92.
Neutrophil and Granulocytic Myeloid-Derived Suppressor Cell–Mediated T Cell Suppression Significantly Contributes to Immune Dysregulation in Common Variable Immunodeficiency Disorders
Marcela Vlkova; Zita Chovancova; Jana Nechvatalova; Ashley Nicole Connelly; Marcus Darrell Davis; Peter Slanina; Lucie Travnickova; Marek Litzman; Tereza Grymova; Premysl Soucek; Tomas Freiberger; Jiri Litzman; Zdenek Hel
J Immunol (2019) 202 (1): 93–104.
CCR2 Signaling Selectively Regulates IFN-α: Role of β-Arrestin 2 in IFNAR1 Internalization
J Immunol (2019) 202 (1): 105–118.
Zebrafish NDRG1a Negatively Regulates IFN Induction by Promoting the Degradation of IRF7
J Immunol (2019) 202 (1): 119–130.
The Noncoding RNA nc886 Regulates PKR Signaling and Cytokine Production in Human Cells
J Immunol (2019) 202 (1): 131–141.
Characterization of Mauritian Cynomolgus Macaque FcγR Alleles Using Long-Read Sequencing
Amelia K. Haj; Jaren M. Arbanas; Aaron P. Yamniuk; Julie A. Karl; Hailey E. Bussan; Kenneth Y. Drinkwater; Michael E. Graham; Adam J. Ericsen; Trent M. Prall; Kristina Moore; Lin Cheng; Mian Gao; Robert F. Graziano; John T. Loffredo; Roger W. Wiseman; David H. O’Connor
J Immunol (2019) 202 (1): 151–159.
Rhinovirus and Bacteria Synergistically Induce IL-17C Release from Human Airway Epithelial Cells To Promote Neutrophil Recruitment
Kyla C. Jamieson; Suzanne L. Traves; Cora Kooi; Shahina Wiehler; Curtis J. Dumonceaux; Barbara A. Maciejewski; Jason W. Arnason; Aubrey N. Michi; Richard Leigh; David Proud
J Immunol (2019) 202 (1): 160–170.
CD62L Is a Functional and Phenotypic Marker for Circulating Innate Lymphoid Cell Precursors
Yotam E. Bar-Ephraim; Jasper J. Koning; Estefany Burniol Ruiz; Tanja Konijn; Vera P. Mourits; Kim A. Lakeman; Louis Boon; Marijn Bögels; J. Peter van Maanen; Joke M. M. Den Haan; Marjolein van Egmond; Gerd Bouma; Rogier M. Reijmers; Reina E. Mebius
J Immunol (2019) 202 (1): 171–182.
LACC1 Regulates TNF and IL-17 in Mouse Models of Arthritis and Inflammation
Cara Skon-Hegg; Juan Zhang; Xiumin Wu; Meredith Sagolla; Naruhisa Ota; Arthur Wuster; Jennifer Tom; Emma Doran; Nandhini Ramamoorthi; Patrick Caplazi; John Monroe; Wyne P. Lee; Timothy W. Behrens
J Immunol (2019) 202 (1): 183–193.
The GTPase Rab1 Is Required for NLRP3 Inflammasome Activation and Inflammatory Lung Injury
Yuehui Zhang; Lijun Wang; Yang Lv; Chunling Jiang; Guangyu Wu; Randal O. Dull; Richard D. Minshall; Asrar B. Malik; Guochang Hu
J Immunol (2019) 202 (1): 194–206.
NLRP10 Affects the Stability of Abin-1 To Control Inflammatory Responses
J Immunol (2019) 202 (1): 218–227.
SLAMF7 Is a Critical Negative Regulator of IFN-α–Mediated CXCL10 Production in Chronic HIV Infection
Patrick O’Connell; Yuliya Pepelyayeva; Maja K. Blake; Sean Hyslop; Robert B. Crawford; Michael D. Rizzo; Cristiane Pereira-Hicks; Sarah Godbehere; Linda Dale; Peter Gulick; Norbert E. Kaminski; Andrea Amalfitano; Yasser A. Aldhamen
J Immunol (2019) 202 (1): 228–238.
Different Isoforms of the Neuronal Guidance Molecule Slit2 Directly Cause Chemoattraction or Chemorepulsion of Human Neutrophils
J Immunol (2019) 202 (1): 239–248.
Salmonella enterica Serovar Typhimurium Travels to Mesenteric Lymph Nodes Both with Host Cells and Autonomously
Alberto Bravo-Blas; Lotta Utriainen; Slater L. Clay; Verena Kästele; Vuk Cerovic; Adam F. Cunningham; Ian R. Henderson; Daniel M. Wall; Simon W. F. Milling
J Immunol (2019) 202 (1): 260–267.
Computational Analysis Supports IL-17A as a Central Driver of Neutrophil Extracellular Trap–Mediated Injury in Liver Ischemia Reperfusion
Samer Tohme; Hamza O. Yazdani; Vikas Sud; Patricia Loughran; Hai Huang; Ruben Zamora; Richard L. Simmons; Yoram Vodovotz; Allan Tsung
J Immunol (2019) 202 (1): 268–277.
Composition and Clinical Impact of the Immunologic Tumor Microenvironment in Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma
Melanie Boxberg; Lena Leising; Katja Steiger; Moritz Jesinghaus; Aezlat Alkhamas; Marion Mielke; Nicole Pfarr; Carolin Götz; Klaus Dietrich Wolff; Wilko Weichert; Andreas Kolk
J Immunol (2019) 202 (1): 278–291.
Improved Multiplex Immunohistochemistry for Immune Microenvironment Evaluation of Mouse Formalin-Fixed, Paraffin-Embedded Tissues
Noah Sorrelle; Debolina Ganguly; Adrian T. A. Dominguez; Yuqing Zhang; Huocong Huang; Lekh N. Dahal; Natalie Burton; Arturas Ziemys; Rolf A. Brekken
J Immunol (2019) 202 (1): 292–299.
Chrysalis: A New Method for High-Throughput Histo-Cytometry Analysis of Images and Movies
J Immunol (2019) 202 (1): 300–308.
Cover Image
Cover Image
On the cover: Representative image of a human discoid lupus erythematosus skin lesion immunofluorescently stained to show leukocytes (CD45RO and RA, cyan) within a network of VCAM1+ perivascular adventitial fibroblasts surrounding a blood vessel at the center of the image (VCAM1, red). Barron, A. M. S., J. C. Mantero, J. D. Ho, B. Nazari, K. L. Horback, J. Bhawan, R. Lafyatis, C. Lam, and J. L. Browning. 2019. Perivascular adventitial fibroblast specialization accompanies T cell retention in the inflamed human dermis. J. Immunol. 202: 56–68.
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