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Hemagglutination Reactions of Human Erythrocytes Conjugated Covalently with Dinitrophenyl Groups1
J Immunol (1965) 94 (3): 317–322.
Experimental Sensitization to Vitamin E (Tocopherol) in Guinea Pigs1
J Immunol (1965) 94 (3): 323–328.
Serologic and Immunofluorescent Studies of Humoral Antibody and γ-Globulin Localization in Experimental Autoimmune Thyroiditis1
J Immunol (1965) 94 (3): 329–336.
The Immunologic Status of the Host and Pyelonephritis: A Study of Retrograde Escherichia Coli Urinary Infection in Rats1
J Immunol (1965) 94 (3): 337–343.
Characterization of Virus Neutralizing Antibodies in Human Serum and Nasal Secretions
J Immunol (1965) 94 (3): 344–351.
Adoptive Tolerance to Shigella Antigen in Irradiated Mice Receiving Spleen Cell Transplants from Unresponsive Donors1
J Immunol (1965) 94 (3): 352–357.
Immune Lysis of Thymus and Spleen Cells of Embryonic and Neonatal Mice1
J Immunol (1965) 94 (3): 358–364.
Factors Influencing Determination of Antigenic Relationships between Western Equine Encephalomyelitis Virus Strains1
J Immunol (1965) 94 (3): 365–370.
Antigenic Variations in Herpes Simplex Virus Isolants from Successive Recurrences of Herpes Labialis
J Immunol (1965) 94 (3): 385–394.
An Accelerated Storage Test for Predicting the Stability of Suspensions of Measles Virus Dried by Sublimation In Vacuo1
J Immunol (1965) 94 (3): 395–400.
The Immunoglobulins of Mice: III. Skin Sensitizing Activity of Mouse Immunoglobulins1
J Immunol (1965) 94 (3): 410–415.
Induction of Tolerance to Bovine Serum Albumin by Means of Whole-Body X-Radiation1
J Immunol (1965) 94 (3): 430–436.
I. Reverse Anaphylactic Reactions in Guinea Pig Ileum Strips Passively Sensitized in Vitro with Various Albumin Antigens
J Immunol (1965) 94 (3): 443–455.
II. Reverse Passive Cutaneous Anaphylaxis in the Guinea Pig with Ovalbumin
J Immunol (1965) 94 (3): 456–460.
Immunity to Transplantable Tumors Following Viral Oncolysis: II. Antigenic Similarities between Three Unspecific Mouse Tumors1
J Immunol (1965) 94 (3): 461–466.
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